@Assirk - The colors are simply a means of grouping things visually for me (and you). I used red to mark things that might easily be overlooked. The yellow is meant to be a GOLD world. So, MH, ST, and AS are the gold worlds I installed and and I added the green venues that went with them in case some had standard worlds and the venues. Green was a reference to green grass and lawn that you'd find with your lot or venue.
Sometimes I just used another color that would stand out and and color itself has no significance, but everything of the same color is the same type of store item - compilation, combinations, sets, etc.
I install from largest type of item to smallest usually. So, when you see all one color on a line on that first sheet, it means that you'd likely find them all in the same place in the store - worlds, compilations, sets. Though I sometimes find the store groupings confusing and used my own groupings as you'll see on the separate tabs in the spreadsheet.
Whenever there is another color included on a line in a single ebc file it means that something from the group ahead or behind was lumped in with that group when I installed. I thought the different color would make it stand out and not be forgotten.
Even items that I do not own are still listed and linked in the spreadsheet. I only am missing the Celtic Lands and Origin or other bonus stuff like some of the DrPepper promotional items as well as some single CAS items. But you'll find those things in the spreadsheet tabs (just not on my first page that shows my install).