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DarkPhoenix2016's avatar
10 years ago

I Found A Solution To The Firefighter Issue...

It's been two years since I've played the firefighter career the best one in ambitions in my opinion but as a lot of you know or have experience there is a horrible glitch where the emergencies cancel out and your Sim is not able to do their job. I was flat out determined to figure out how to resolve this matter even if it was just temporary. Long story short after spending time testing different situations it turns out that this glitch is more then likely a lot space issue. Remember a couple years ago when certain rabbit holes in Lunar Lakes and Monte Vista where no longer open to Sims because it was 3 square tiles or less towards the edge of the lot (although that glitch was later fixed in a patch). Well I think this is something similar so what I did was I bulldozed a 60 x 60 lot and placed a fire station there. Yes it does look silly on such a huge lot. But when the first emergency came it actually worked!

Now I didn't stop there I did a few tests by activating the testingcheatsenabled true cheat to spawn a firefighter job according to his level one career by clicking on a residential lot and the spawn job option. Now the first time when I did this the action did click off when my Sim tried to do it but this lot was a lot where all the residence were out of the house so I tried it a few times on homes that had Sims currently there. Occupied and at home and my Sim did his job every single time. What I recommend is that you do place a fire station on a much bigger lot. I'm only recommending 60 x 60 because that's the one I used and tested on but I'm sure the same thing would work on a 50 x 50 and make sure the fire station is not on the edge of the lot on the street. I keep my station centered where there's plenty of room and it's been working just fine. I'm even putting screenshots of this test at the bottom to get you to see that it is possible. Up until today I had always assumed that it was the career outfit glitch that was the source of the problem but it seems like a spacing issue to me. Whatever the reason this has and is continuing to work and so far my Sim "Salty Goodness" is now at a level 2 and I highly recommend you try this out. When you start your first day at a fire station when you place a fire station on a bigger lot and don't want to wait for the first emergency remember to perform the cheat mentioned above and click on the lot of only the homes that have Sims actually at the lot at the time as that will more then likely work then clicking on an occupied lot with Sims outside at the time.

On a note everyone has a different computer which mean obviously results may vary. I posted this to give new hope and a new way to possibly help over come this glitch and while it was possible for me keep an open mind it may not work for everyone. I simply wanted to give new ideas on what you should do if you are suffering this same glitch. Let me know if this has worked for you or feel free so share your career screenshots. I hope this helps the people that are prevented from enjoying the firefighter career cause this career truly is an awesome one to experience...Here are the screenshots now of my Sim after placing the station on a 60 x 60 lot....
  • Don't forget the profession don't play well with each other and do not play fire fighter, daycare, showtime and together because apparently they all use the same pool of sims to draw on. I tried it one time with showtime and firefighter and different times, showtime or the fire department pulled someone out of another job and the jobs either failed or got stuck. Fire department pulls babies and toddlers out of daycare for emergency. Showtime pulls sims that need rescued out of rescue so you can never find the sim that been pulled to rescue and than you fail.
  • @cleo00 What I do: as soon as the alarm goes (I play in IP by the way) I zoom out to see where the fire is, zoom in and click just outside the lot to send my sim there. Once she's there I order her to enter the lot ('go there') and as soon as she's there the fire starts and she can start putting it out.
  • @cleo00 Oh that's too bad it doesn't work for you. Only getting one emergency call a day is the same for me by the way. But so far the going to a lot trick works for me, I hope it will continue doing so. It's really a shame that career is so borked in some worlds. Maybe the fact Hidden Springs is a Store world matters?
  • I didn't actually know that thank you for telling me. I usually try to go for one Sim in a profession and others in normal careers but that wasn't always the case and sometimes the showtime careers I couldn't do at all. Thanks again!
  • I suspect the real key to your solution was spawning your jobs on lots where the Sims were home at the time. I haven't tested it though, so I can't say for sure. Anyway, good work looking for a solution.
  • Maybe it's more like a combo but thank you for your statement. It's quite possible that could be true but I know the station didn't work until I placed it on a much bigger lot.
  • Jessa_Dakkar's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    My sim I have been playing has been a level 10 firefighter for quite some time. Just had her quit the other night to focus on raising her daughter and to try something different. I use a firehouse I made myself.

    I have been experiencing this issue all along her career, and actually before that the last time I played a firefighter. What I have noticed is this, small house fires will always cancel out. She got lots of large house fires that never cancelled, and other situations about town to tend to. The only ones that would cancel out are the small house fires. I could mouse over the icon and see what it was but as soon as I directed her to respond or as soon as she would do so autonomously, the fire would just disappear. She was getting small house fires once or twice a week.
  • Old thread but I'd like to revive it as I just started having this issue a few days ago.
    My sim Alex made it to level 5 of the firefighter profession in Starlight Shores and now I've moved the family to Hidden Springs, he somehow got promoted to level 6, but he's still only getting about one small house fire a day and from my research it seems to be the small house fires that are the issue. I click to respond to emergency and then it just disappears as if there was none.
    I tried the fix the OP suggested to no avail. Forcing a small fire with testing cheats still cancels itself out. I forced a large fire and it worked. Replacing the fire station on a larger lot didn't work either.

    It seems like this is a glitch that EA just never fixed, but anyone have any suggestions?
  • @JoAnne65 I tried to just send him to the lot myself but as soon as he stepped on to the lot it still canceled the emergency :( I think mine is just broken.
  • That solution worked for me. I just moved the fire station onto one of the empty 40*40 lots in Sunset Valley and it's working fine now. What Sid1701D9 said was news to me: that might explain a why I sometimes can't find the sims who need rescuing.