Forum Discussion

fricklordmoon's avatar
9 years ago

I'm at my wit's end

I've been trying more or less constantly over the past week or two to get this game to a playable point. There is no reason I shouldn't be able to run a game that came out in 2009 at all max settings. And for the most part, I can. The problem comes when moving the camera. I don't get consistently low FPS, it'll just stutter and sometimes very briefly drop in FPS when I move the camera around. It gets a tiny bit better when I have High Detail Lots turned all the way down, but it doesn't go away enough to stop annoying me. And for gods sake I spent $2000 on my PC, no way I should have to do that. Regardless, at this point I just want to know if anybody runs this game without any lag, and if so, what the plum is your secret? Are there any graphics settings that just break your game or something when you have them up high?