Forum Discussion

riennatelemnar's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
6 years ago

Imaginary friend somehow escaped my senior sim's mind

I was following one of my sims as they were running some errands around town including visiting a bar for celebrity points. I noticed that my senior Sim at home wasn't following my directions which was to play in the pool waterfall and then grab a bite to eat. I zoomed to him and there is what I THINK was his imaginary friend who was aging up to senior. What? I never let my Sim pull those things out of their inventory. So now only he can see her.

Questions: when he passes away, does she go with him? He hasn't introduced himself to her. Will she just go away or hang around on the lot? Does she count towards the house count? He's a confirmed bachelor but can he have a romantic relationship with his imaginary friend?
  • The only way they would count towards your household allowance of sims would be if you turned them into a playable controllable sim.
  • karritz's avatar
    New Spectator
    I've never seen a elder imaginary friend. And I play on full autonomy as I find that hilarious more often than annoying so I have no idea what's going on. I also have my mods set to ensure every baby born in my game gets an imaginary friend so I have lots of them around. Imaginary Friends don't count towards the household members but they can have relationships with any sim including their owner. I've had several marry and have families. Their children can inherit the hidden pyromaniac trait. Or be born as Imaginary Friends that also have their own imaginary friend in their inventory.

    Edit. I need to clarify. IFs don't count as part of the household until they are made real. Once they are real they are like any other occult sim.
  • I have a mod that keeps them out of my game. I'm scared of those freaky dolls! :flushed:
  • I have never seen a Elderly Imaginary Friend, mostly because I turn them into playable sims when they are a child or teen, they then marry when they are a young Adult and I never put them into inventory after that. I too wonder if they die as a IF when the Elder dies.