"elleskyheart;c-17655245" wrote:
"Mikezumi;c-17655198" wrote:
@elleskyheart How do you normally play?
Well with sims 3, it's hard to make up stories for me. for some reason. Normally, I create one or two sims and then pair them off with someone already made in the game. Often they are smart, or loners, or being good/family oriented but then have at least one negative trait. I am trying to make my own family, but I'll likely try the legacy challenge soon. But yeah, I wanna create at least oen interesting sim even if they aren't a good person.
I also am not too good with making sims as they often look similar sadly.
I don't quite understand what you mean by making up a story because I never have a story in mind about why my sims are together or about what they do. I play only for genetics so am happiest when my sims live happy lives and produce lots of kids. I guess my play style would be boring for many but it has kept me happily amused since the game came out. Do you mean the story you tell yourself about your sims or do you mean an actual story you want share with others? If you mean a shared story I can't help you because I don't write stories or read the stories of others so my advice would be useless.
Using bad traits could be fun and it sounds like something you want to do so go for it. As for looks, I see that @ZeeGee has suggested you download sims if you want sims that look different than you would normally make and it's a good way to get diversity. For me, the best way to make sims that don't all look alike is to try to recreate the faces of celebrities/famous people.
I don't like rules so have never tried a Legacy Challenge but if you prefer a structured game it could be good for you.