Forum Discussion

Hedgy21's avatar
3 years ago

Is Diving Worth It?

So I have been mulling this over for a while. Recently picked up the game again after a very long break. I have a world I love, its pretty much perfect for my tastes but the only issue is dive lots cannot be made or placed in this world without creating errors and crashing the game. I did look into moving to a new world that does allow diving lots, but I just can't find anything that is as good as Ridgeview in summer by Rflong7, other than diving lots and pretty shores for house boats, it ticks all the boxes for me.

My question is am I missing out on a whole lot by not having diving lots? Is this feature worth starting over on a world that does allow for dive lots?
  • So I have found in Rflong7's Ridgeview in Sumner world, that it's not that diving lots can't work its that there are only very very small areas where it's possible to make diving lots. I was trying to place them in places where it wouldn't work, the lots was green abd able to be placed in the water but obviously it wasn't really in a usable location.

    But that's ok since I'm a shitty designer so I only want to make small dive lots, like 30x30 since I think I can make a smaller space look nicer.
  • @Karritz cheers, yeah its more to have variety in the game and have at least a little bit of each feature available, that I have access too (I never got supernatural, showtime or into the future). Also your tutorials on making and decorating diving lots are fantastic, I watched them both and learnt heaps I didn't even know you could do like setting the level of the caves and their destinations. Plus I think doing it your way has actually made the dive lots works properly in my world so it also helped fix my issue.
  • karritz's avatar
    New Spectator
    I enjoy diving occasionally. Dive lots can be very pretty to see and there are extra things to find and collect and do. But, I mostly don't bother. Probably next game I'll be diving constantly. I'll have a look at Ridgeview in Summer and see if I can get a dive lot into it. I've built plenty in other worlds by Rflong7. I've noticed that worlds with dive lots in them are not necessarily decorated and I've not been able to decorate them. This happens when the lot is placed and the world is saved without having saved it to the library without exiting the game, then shutting down the game and getting back into the world and deleting the lot and then placing the lot again from your library. This may not be possible to do when using Create a World. So I assume it is possible the undecorated lots in those worlds were placed and the world saved without completing the process needed to get them to work properly.

    I haven't looked at Ridgeview in Summer. I'm using a lot of Rflong7 worlds in my various YouTube series. Sometimes I will add a dive lot if I have mermaids living in the world.
  • I would say maybe just use the traveler mod and send your sims on a vacation to Isla Paradiso if you want to play with diving, I don't think diving is really worth bothering with in other worlds
  • ZombiePary's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    Like Karritz I mostly don't bother with dive lots.
    I don't think you're missing out on much, but that is just my opinion. I never use dive lots, and if I download a world that has them, I delete them. As far as I know, apart from the dive skill, which doesn't seem to do a great deal beyond your sim finding random little collectibles, and map pieces to hidden islands which only works in Isla Paradiso, it doesn't add a great deal to gameplay for me apart from just something different to do once in while ( that I don't bother with anyway :D )
  • karritz's avatar
    New Spectator
    I had a lot of fun with my 40x40 dive lot in Riverview. I think you'll enjoy your tiny dive lot.
  • karritz's avatar
    New Spectator
    "bobv2;c-18178637" wrote:
    @Karritz cheers, yeah its more to have variety in the game and have at least a little bit of each feature available, that I have access too (I never got supernatural, showtime or into the future). Also your tutorials on making and decorating diving lots are fantastic, I watched them both and learnt heaps I didn't even know you could do like setting the level of the caves and their destinations. Plus I think doing it your way has actually made the dive lots works properly in my world so it also helped fix my issue.

    Excellent. I’m glad you had success. Enjoy your dive lots.