Forum Discussion

LaBlue0314's avatar
New Scout
3 months ago

Is there a container in Sims 3 that will allow a sim to store just their items?

I am playing a large household, so far my couple has 4 children, and they want at least one more (they both have the shared lifetime wish of raising from babies 5 children).  I'm using an NRaas mod that has lifted the only 8 sims to a household.  At the moment the household has 8 sims, the family plus a Simbot and Plumbot.  The mom is also working at trying to get a Special Seed (through Science experiments) for getting a PlantSim Baby.

I was wondering if there are separate containers in the game that would allow me to store everyone's belongings in their own containers.  Make it easier to figure out who has what when they eventually leave home.  I know I could just leave their things in their own personal inventory, but I don't like having a lot of things in that area.

    • simmerLella's avatar
      Seasoned Traveler

      Yes! Also, the transmogrifier mod can probably turn (nearly?) any object into a chest!

    • Miataplay's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      I love that site and you can find a lot of different storage solutions there! 

      I have some of the different storage solution that are all functional in sims 4 and 3.

      Around The Sims 3, and 4 is pure genius! I have a lot of stuff from that site and the cookies are delicious! 🤩

    • MiaSkywalker1's avatar
      New Novice

      I use this one all the time.  It has the additional advantage of your Sim being able to drop the box into the Sim's inventory.  Having several of them for a Sim means that you can organize all of their stuff by type, and not have millions of items scattered throughout their inventory.  You can also name the boxes (do a shift-click or control-click on them when in Buy mode, I can't remember which it is), which you can see when you hover your cursor over the box, whether it's in your inventory or on the ground.  Again, makes it extremely useful for organizing items.

      Unfortunately, the names you give the boxes do NOT last if you travel to a WA destination.  It's not a bug with the boxes, it's just the way travel is programmed in Sims 3.  You can always recreate the names on the boxes again.

      You can drag the boxes out of your inventory to pull stuff out of them even if you aren't on your home lot, which again makes things very convenient.  And there are some easy selections of "Store gems", "Store metals", "Store books", "Store paintings", and a couple of other things, to transfer some stuff over a little more quickly.  (Unfortunately no "store insects", which I wish there were.)

  • The treasure chests can be bought from the general/supply store in the holiday world when they go there for World Adventures, an expansion pack in Sims 3, which you might have seen in the Plunkett's stories if you remember those. They can be recoloured all over. They only take up one, or maybe even half a square, and seem to be bottomless. They don't need to actually open it to put stuff in and out, you can just click on the options or ... is there a right clicking, something like that, as you would for the fridge. And if you put it in the family inventory with things in it, they stay in it, not like a bookshelf. 

    Absolutely anything can be stored in those treasure chests. If you can grab it with a hand and drag it in there, it will go in there. Cars, workstations, insects, rocks, food ... 

    I wonder if the kids' toyboxes do the same thing. Or the Scrap Metal working bench. I seem to be able to put odd things in the quick grow station fertiliser chamber but not use them, and there's a limit to 3 things.

    Of course there's their inventory, and the family inventory for the buy-mode things.