Forum Discussion

Bettyboop55's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Is there anything that would make you move on from playing TS3?

Before I start this is not a thread about which version of the sims on pc is best. Nor is it an opportunity to criticise other players for playing only one version of the game or playing more than one version. It is purely curiosity on my part as to what would make other TS3 players stop playing and move on to something else.

For myself there is no immediate intention to stop playing. Mainly because I really enjoy what I am able to do with TS3 and at the moment I can find nothing that I would prefer to play. Friends have offered me various alternatives but there always seems to be something lacking which makes it a deal breaker. I do occasionally look at what is happening with TS4 but as yet and this includes the new EP released on Friday, there is nothing to draw me into playing.

I have considered what I might do if and when a TS5 is announced and have concluded that without knowing the direction in which EA will take the game next it is impossible to prejudge my own reaction. All I know is any potential TS5 must be something very special to outshine TS3. So unless something physical prevents me like my dodgy eyesight or modern computers develop to such an extent it is no longer possible to get my disks to work I plan on staying with my favourite version of the game.

Considered responses only please :)