Kate Part 2:
Kate was adored by her Mother:

and her Father:

Her grandmother however could sense the werewolf on the baby and only held her when it was completely necessary:

Thornton dumped the wretch of a girlfriend he had had mooching off him and living in his house and was fully prepaired to ask Erika to marry him, though he was very paranoid of the whole marriage deal too, but he would give it a shot for his daughter:

He dragged his feet about marriage and the years passed by, Kate aged up to a beautiful 2 year old.

He loved teaching Kate to walk..

Thornton started getting harassing calls from his father who told him in no uncertain terms that he was not to marry "that child that you have been dating for years" and that he would be cut out of the will unless he married some woman named Morgana that his father had found for him. Thornton hated the idea but his back was up against a wall, it was a huge fortune.

He had to break it off with Erika....and cut ties with Kate. He decided to admit he had been cheating on her (which he wasn't, he just didn't want her to figure out that his father was behind his breaking it off).

Naturally she was very angry!

He couldn't help himself he tried to get in one more kiss, he really loved this girl.

She was having none of it and decided to hit him where it hurt, she said he was never to have contact with his daughter ever again!

Thornton drove away in his brand new expensive car (a gift from his father for agreeing to marry Morgana) to his life of a loveless, childless marriage to a woman he was sure he would hate.

As if that wasn't enough Erika's mother decided to gripe about the stronger werewolf stench "that child" was letting off now that she was a toddler!

Erika decided to take a walk to clear her head and met up with a nice looking guy carrying a strange looking toddler..

They made small talk:

While the kids napped next to each other....(thus the beginning of a beautiful friendship)...
