Kate Part 6:
Vlad on phone..."Yes, I've seen her, yes she looks happy, yes, I will"

more Vlad on phone...."Yes, I believe the day after tomorrow, yes...I'll see you then."


Since Vlad gave Kate his cell number and told her to call whenever she was bored, she gave him a call for an early day of fishing.

Kate caught a tiny little fish, Vlad caught a big zero.

Kate got a call from her mother wondering where she was, Kate told her not thinking anything of it, her mother would never actually check up on her.

Well look who's going for mother of the year...she actually checked up on her child!!

Boy was she pi ss ed when she saw who Kate was talking to, the weird guy from a few nights ago.

She tore Vlad a new one!! Kate was both confused and impressed.

But mostly she was mad that her mother was screaming at her friend, and told her so...loudly.

More screaming....then leaving...

After awhile Kate decided it was time to go home, she gave Vlad a big hug and said goodbye as she would probably not be back to Bridgeport for a long time, they were going home the next day. She vowed to chat on the computer with him and call him.

That night was Kate's 12th Birthday, she knew her mother bought her a cake, she had seen it earlier, it was more that she dared hope for. Kate waited for her mom to tell her Happy Birthday, but she and Grandmother seemed to have other plans, like watching TV, playing the piano and after Kate's bedtime sitting in the hot tub.

Kate was pretty gutted as she sat alone with her Birthday cake...

She broke down, it seemed her mother and grandmother forgot about her yet again.

She decided to leave the cake to spoil and go up to bed. A package caught her eye, maybe her mother did care....

The gift was a blow up rabbit, she was thrilled, she was a huge fan of rabbits and bunnies of all types. She read the card, the gift was from Vlad...

She went out to the balcony, to see her mother and grandmother having a ball. They would be going home tomorrow, that was fine by Kate, she couldn't wait to see Riley again!

......................Back in Sunset....................
Vlad was checking out his, as promised, new house, it was way more than he expected!

He had to go check in with Mr. Wolff and tell him what he observed...

Vlad to Thornton..."She seemed much better than what you told me when you hired me, I saw no other men, your daughter is a wonderful little girl, I talked to her on several occasions"
Thornton: "She just turned 12, I would love to see her, but if my father found out...."

Thornton...."I have to fix this, please keep a close eye on them, perhaps you could send me pictures?"
Thornton couldn't hold it in, he needed to see his daughter and the love of his life.

Vlad was uncomfortable with Thornton's display but felt for the man...he gave him a hug, it felt like the right thing to do.

Vlad..."Don't worry Mr. Wolff, I will keep an eye on them, and thank you for the house, it's overwhelming!"

Reunited!!! Kate and Riley having a fun old joy ride in the park.
