Kate Part 7:
Switched houses to follow Riley home and check on Connor doing
THIS, geeze, she's married and an elder (not that there's anything wrong with that)...


Riley was not happy with his father's behavior!

Connor was determined it seems...

Riley gave him another piece of his mind...

Not a happy little alien:

He called Kate to invite her over..

Challenged her to a game of chess, Kate being a genius never lost..

He slept over at Kate's house to keep away from his embarrassment of a father...

Erika having some interesting dreams about Thornton....

Next morning, Riley discovered Kate's play oven and made a blueberry muffin..it came out perfect!

I love grandma Elizabeth's face here!

Later that night Erika decided to visit The Grind, Kate and Riley tagged along..
Dancing with Christopher who seems to have forgiven her for kicking him out on his butt..

Singing together...

I guess Chris thought they stunk, or he's just super mean!!

Getting sloshed....

Honing in on her next victim, Leighton...guess the manless vacation was a fluke.

There she goes...

He showed up a few seconds after Erika and the kids went home...

Decided to go scope out Erika's house...

Fishing through their mail...found nothing much.

Riley and Kate went to the park the next day after school, Mortimer has always hated Kate, he is the ringleader of a group of kids who pick on her all the time. He snuck up on her...

..and scared her to death!

Mortimer being a butt!

Riley came over and told off Mortimer...

Mortimer didn't like Riley but never bothered him. Riley however hated Mortimer for picking on his best friend.

.......................Extra Sim Randomness.......................
Jammies and undies must be the new *in style* thing

The mascot wandering around town...

From yesterday, Vlad that is a very bad spot for playing on your Laptop!!

Told you!! Luckily Vampires don't get squished that easily...

:smiley: Happy Weekend!!