Kate Part 18:
TWO Years into the future*********
Pari aged up to toddler:

Cute little Fairy!

Bunter has toned down his wardrobe since he is a full time dad and toddler slobber doesn't compliment silk or wool jackets.

Kate found a stray dog in their house, first a deer, now a stray dog!

This dog obviously had a checkered past and broke out of the dog pound!

Kate seemed to really like him...too bad I had to say no doggie, got too many Sims to worry about now!

Decided it was FINALLY time to age the kids up!
Kate first....(yes I dared use the fire hazard cake, I like living on the edge... ;) ).

What to wish for.....

I only changed her hair, not too bad...Thornton and Erika seem to have pretty good genetics.

Yummy cake!

Next up Riley...(he was aged up at Kate's house because I wanted to get them in one shot).

I HATE alien noses, they wig me out so he got a new nose and his hair was died as a tribute to his dad (Connor). I find him strangely adorable!

**YES!!!** (was hoping for that)....

Broke them up quickly (Erika and Thornton)...that is NOT supposed to be going on! They haven't seen each other except in passing for two years.

Yes, that is the correct guy for you Erika....

I just realized they have *never* woo-hooed...since they started seeing each other, it's been what 3-4 years...Jared must have the patience of a saint! o:)

They finally did, but I forgot to take a screenshot..oops! (I was averting my eyes, I'm not an animal! o:) )
She has the same expressions as her mom sometimes, serious but far away...

Love them together!

Outtakes and Sims behaving badly!..................
Elizabeth it's not cool to flirt with your daughter's boyfriend!

Gunther cruising by...

Erika texted Jared a picture...of his face and sent it to him, he seems excited to be getting it...two seconds later!

No!! Bad Erika!!!!

Erika snuggling with Pari..
