Kate Part 19:
A short one...
Jared asked Erika to meet him as he had something important he wanted to talk to her about..

He was acting very nervous, Erika was expecting the worst..

The big hug didn't put her mind at ease..

Then, right as the sun was going down it happened..

Oh C*r*a*p Erika breathed...

This is not going to end well Erika thought to herself..as she sputtered out a "No!"

Jared was of course crushed..

He tried to talk Erika into a yes...

Erika felt it was only humane to actually tell Jared the real reason why she refused his proposal..Jared didn't want to hear it..

"Just let me tell you...please Jared"

"Fine, I'll listen..." Jared tried to calm down and hear her out.

She explained that she was hurt by someone years ago, but that she realized that she truly loved him and couldn't get married to someone else when he was her true love. Jared was seething.

"You have major issues! I'm not going to deal with you right now but you keep your daughter away from my nephew, she is probably just as messed up as you are!!"

And with that he left...Erika was sad but also relieved.
I had to age up the troublemakers...
Lilah was first..(Luke and Sophia breed nice kids!)

Her twin brother Noah..

Next was Mortimer..

Now that Noah was a teenager and felt he could do what he wanted without his sister or Mortimer bossing him around he did what he had wanted to do for years, he texted Kate and apologised for his picking on her and asked for her forgiveness.

Kate was shocked to receive Noah's text but could accept his apology at the very least.
