Forum Discussion

Huiiie_17's avatar
5 years ago

Late Night Apartment Shells...

If this doesn't belong in this particular section, I apologize in advance, and feel free to move it if it doesn't.

I'm currently redoing Lucky Palms to make it look more like a city, and a big part of this is by replacing certain lots with high rises from Late Night. At first, I placed those from the bin into the world, but I really wanted to build one myself. I know that the shells are available in the buydebug catalogue, so I went to an empty lot and typed in the cheats testingcheatsenabled, buydebug and restrictbuildbuyinbuildings (false/off). Unfortunately, I had two reoccuring problems with those shells from the buydebug menu, and I wonder if some more experienced builders on here could help me out.

  • many of the apartment shells don't have doors, they're replaced by a simple white box. It's pretty annoying in itself, but fortunately, this is only a problem with a few of the shells, so there's a (although frustrating) workaround to it. But the second problem, on the other hand...
  • The shells that do have doors don't have roofs, which just looks too ugly for me to bear.

    For those that did build their own apartments in the past, did you also run into this problem? And especially, how did you fix it? Any advice is appreciated.

    In case you don't know what I mean, here are some screenshots:

    White box instead of door:

    Missing roof (yes, this is the top floor):

    Edit: I also have the problem that whenever I place an apartment shell in build mode, I can't return to Edit Town. It's just loading indefinitely.
    • ZombiePary's avatar
      Seasoned Novice
      This annoyance is an absolute thorn in my side when building and plagued me for SO long without a fix until I found that awesome thread. Something stupid EA broke once again, and couldn't be bothered to fix after SHT came out. It only happens if you have LN + SHT installed together apparently.

      The roofless problem can be fixed with instructions here -
      The white box issue has a workaround here - but I use a mod, which I think is by AussomeDays, to fix it, so I don't have to bother fiddling around

      Edit - The Shell door mod is here -
      It's the 4th download in the list, named " Late Night (Bridgeport) - ShellDoorFix_Highrise.rar"
      ( if you don't already have it )
    • "Pary;c-17522527" wrote:
      This annoyance is an absolute thorn in my side when building and plagued me for SO long without a fix until I found that awesome thread. Something stupid EA broke once again, and couldn't be bothered to fix after SHT came out. It only happens if you have LN + SHT installed together apparently.

      The roofless problem can be fixed with instructions here -
      The white box issue has a workaround here - but I use a mod, which I think is by AussomeDays, to fix it, so I don't have to bother fiddling around

      Edit - The Shell door mod is here -
      It's the 4th download in the list, named " Late Night (Bridgeport) - ShellDoorFix_Highrise.rar"
      ( if you don't already have it )

      Thank you! This solved the problem of the missing roofs and doors, but I still get stuck in build mode whenever I place a shell and want to return to edit town. Whenever I want to leave build mode, I get the "loading" screen which is just stuck and it won't take me back to edit town.
      I guess I have to build those apartment from live mode with testingcheatsenabled - enter build mode, otherwise it just gets stuck and I can't do anything.