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Traijan's avatar
15 years ago

Launcher won't install sims3pack files anymore after latest update


Since installing the last update posted yesterday I believe, the sims 3 launcher will no longer install any sims3pack files that I download from the exchange or anywhere else for that matter.

It brings up the launcher but then it just sits there. It use to bring up the launcher and lock the download/upload/ and other buttons on the left side of the launcher while it installs the content, now all it does it load up the launcher and that's it. It never goes into the routine to install the content that I double clicked on that resides on my hard drive.

I've also tried to install stuff that I've bought from the store and all it does is to bring up the launcher but doesn't actually install anything.

I've already uninstalled all of the TS3 and it's expansions and reinstalled it all again and no good.

Theres something borked in the launcher for my game. Now how do I fix it EA?
  • Bump from page 3.

    Still having an issue with double clicking on sims3pack files on my hard drive. The launcher loads but the load routine never fires to install the items and they don't show up in the downloads list nor does the launchers installation routine fire up, it just loads launcher and that's it.

    Any help EA?
  • Yeah, um if I put the sims3pack files directly into the download folders and run the launcher from ambitions they appear there and I can install them, however the way it should be working is that I click on a sims3pack file, the launcher loads copies the file from it's original location to the downloads folder for the game and then the installer loads and installs the file, which isn't happening, only the launcher is loading.

    So doing it manually I can get the files into the game but I'd surely rather simply double click on a saved sims3pack file on my hard drive somewhere and have the launcher automatically send the file into the download folder and then install it for me unless this has changed and it's no longer the way that the launcher works.
  • Well I'm about to uninstall and reinstall once more since the Edit in game feature keeps crashing when trying to save my world.

    It's really starting to bum me out as this world had no issues at all using the original version of CAW and prior to all the patches to fix patches to fix patches.

    It plays fine but when it comes to edit in game from using CAW it just doesn't want to complete the save it starts to and simply exits after about 15 to 30 flashes of the screen which I would guess is the game saving each lot into the world file.

    Anyway, that's just one more problem so I guess for the 2ND time today I'll uninstall and reinstall and see if either of those gets fixed by it. Maybe this time I'll choose where to install.
  • I just tried installing from the base game launcher & still nothing. the screen loads but the green bar doesn't appear at all. I reinstalled 3 times already to try & correct this & everytime it fails. most annoying **** ever.
  • Good idea, I didn't think to check it as I install and update the game and expansion pack so...

    TS3 (vs 1.14): Works, I can install sims3packs from double clicking them on.

    WA (vs 2.9.10): does NOT work, clicking on a sims3pack file only brings up the launcher.

    HELS (vs 3.5.8): does NOT work, clicking on a sims3pack file only brings up the launcher
    AMB (vs 4.0.87): WORKS (Prior to installing the patch to fix CAW)

    AMB (vs 4.2.32) STOPS WORKING AGAIN!

    So, it would seem for me the launcher stopped working once World Adventures was installed and updated and then started to work again after Ambitions was installed but now fails to work properly once Ambitions has been patched to 4.2.32


    CAW (vs 2.0): Launcher does NOT work still!

    This is obvious that it's an issue with the games launcher and needs to be patched!

    I really don't want to harp on this problem but until they acknowledge the issue and let us know they are working on it, I have no choice but to continue to harp on it after we all paid for the game and I have the right to expect it to work correctly.
  • I'm thankful I was one of the lucky ones(or not) who was able to patch at all with no issues. But seriously, how did they manage to mess the launcher up so badly? I'm def convinced the developers at EA are incompetent fools.

  • *sigh* I made a world, spent time on it, and I can't even play it..? I've tried so many things, this is seriously so dumb =| I've tried downloading so many things, too. Some go through, some don't.. I apparently have a world able to upload on the launch screen, but it won't download to my actual game.. so, fine, I try uploading it to try to download it from the site- it won't upload. Okay. So confused. I just don't get what's going on..
  • I know this might not be what you want to hear however I just reinstalled sims 3 and all my expansions and have no issues at all with the launcher other than a it stops responding sometimes.

    If you backup your downloads then uninstall all expansions and sims 3 including CAW and the pattern program if they are installed. Make sure all sims 3 folders are then removed. Next run a registry cleaner like ccleaner. Run this over and over untill it can't find any errors to fix.(ccleaner is a free cleaner that works good.) Reboot your comouter.

    Install the base game and the latest EADM. Let the base game update. install then next expansion and let it update. keep doing this untill each expansion is fully up to date. Next try to download all new items however don't install them after they download. Copy the items from the backed up copy of your downloads folder and add them to the new downloads folder then use the select all comand and have everything install at the same time. After you get the launcher working download the latest version of CAW and/or CAP then check that they work.
    what i did was disable firewall and itworked and if that doesnt work delete all ur pass downloads and start over again:( ugh i know it sucks but in the long run it would be better hope it works (go to customer service and talk with someone)
    good luck :)