@igazor I'd never actually used the "play with genetics" command, but that sounds like a much more efficient way to *fix* certain issues with inheritance (provided I take care of business during the pregnancy and can pick the traits). Just to be sure, does this work on sims born in other households? And are there any characteristics that don't change? I'm thinking of starting a side game as a diversion, with a single sim who gets around... and while I suppose I could just hope for a suitable heir to adopt in childhood, leaving things to chance that much makes me nervous.
And I do remember what you've said about SP, but I also know that many of EA's standard processes are so borked that one nraas mod or another just sighs, steps in, and takes the wheel. So I just thought it might be possible that while adjusting other details of pregnancy and inheritance, SP also took control of when the various values get assigned, in addition to how. It doesn't really matter that much, though, as long as I can adjust things manually at some point.