7 years ago
Looking for CC-Free Community Lots for Hidden Springs
Hey, guys! I've been playing with the Funke family in Hidden Springs (which is one of my favorite worlds) on and off for a couple years. Yesterday, I just got back in that save to work the kids up to University. What I really want is a lot for the youngest sim, Carol. She wants to be a "one sim band", so I would love to get recommendations of lots that would help her earn tips through her music. The world still looks the way it does, when you first open it, so any other community lots would be welcome, including updated lots for the ambition professions. There's no shortage of homes on the exchange, but if there is anything you really want to share, I'd be cool looking at some homes, too. At the time of the save, I was hesitant to download anything from the exchange because I don't want corrupted games, but now I'm more comfortable, as long as the simmer is trustworthy. I appreciate the help!
Additional info that might be helpful to you figuring out what I might want:
The father has been unemployed building up his skills (of that which are many) until the kids aged up to teenagers. He recently got a job in the political career track because of his "super popular" lifetime wish. I think he's at level 3.
The mother is still working her way up to her lifetime wish in the science career track. She's at level 6.
Irene had a hard time figuring out her passion, but a recent opportunity in school has inspired her to be an author.
Her twin brother (they're the same age, so I assume they're twins) is in the nerd group. He's mostly built up some of his logic skill and then he's taken a class in science, so he has one skill there as well.
Carol, the youngest, is really into music. She's taking an after school class in the music club. Her toddler years of playing with the xylophone has allowed her to advance to level 2 in most of the instruments. She's particularly adept in the guitar skill and piano. Additionally she loves the winter months, when she can participate in her other passion, snowboarding.
Lastly, if you want me to upload the family with all their skills and new looks (again, I don't use any CC), I'd love to. Just let me know if you're interested.
Additional info that might be helpful to you figuring out what I might want:
The father has been unemployed building up his skills (of that which are many) until the kids aged up to teenagers. He recently got a job in the political career track because of his "super popular" lifetime wish. I think he's at level 3.
The mother is still working her way up to her lifetime wish in the science career track. She's at level 6.
Irene had a hard time figuring out her passion, but a recent opportunity in school has inspired her to be an author.
Her twin brother (they're the same age, so I assume they're twins) is in the nerd group. He's mostly built up some of his logic skill and then he's taken a class in science, so he has one skill there as well.
Carol, the youngest, is really into music. She's taking an after school class in the music club. Her toddler years of playing with the xylophone has allowed her to advance to level 2 in most of the instruments. She's particularly adept in the guitar skill and piano. Additionally she loves the winter months, when she can participate in her other passion, snowboarding.
Lastly, if you want me to upload the family with all their skills and new looks (again, I don't use any CC), I'd love to. Just let me know if you're interested.