Hot guy delivery! :wink:
I took two screenshots of his face. One straight on and one more at the angle he appears in in the game. And I took screenshots of his two outfits that I made referencing the game: his everyday and formal. Beyond expansion packs, I believe I used some Diesel Stuff pants in two outfits, but since they're just jeans they aren't really necessary. No store stuff or anything. And I missed your comment on CC, so you get him vanilla. :tongue: But at least he will be a blank canvas for you to edit as you see fit without having to worry about getting his facial features correct. At least, if I did a good job. :lol: Also, I didn't bother with tattoos because I think EA tattoos stink and wouldn't look very good anyway. :lol: So good thing you aren't fond of them. :tongue:
I also gave him these traits, aspiration, and favorites (but you are free to change them, of course. I did reference the wiki article for him to get an idea of his personality):
Traits: Good, Brave, Hot-headed, Friendly, and Family-Oriented.
Reasoning: He's a cop and the wiki page described him as caring, so I gave him good, friendly, and brave to reflect his career and his caring nature. The wiki described him specifically as being hot-headed, so that one as a no brainer. :smile: And the wiki stressed how much love he has for his sister, Kate, so I figured family-oriented with fit him well. :smile:
LTW: International Super Spy
Favorites: Hamburger, Rock, and Red.
Hope you like him! I think I'm going to cc-ifying him now so I can use him in my game later on. :lol: