"Karritz;c-16484264" wrote:
@emorrill I know what you're saying - but I just thought I'd add one more thought about the deodorant or perfume option - some people, and a surprisingly large number of people are highly allergic to deodorant and perfume. It isn't the smell but the particles that are in the air that make them smell waft around. I have several friends who can't go into some shopping centers because of the scented shops. And in my choir no one is allowed to wear perfume or scented deodorant and go to choir practice to ensure those who are allergic can still participate in choir.
@Karritz Yeah, I forgot how perfume and some deodorants can be an allergen... :neutral: But yeah, that's why a shower or bath is so important. ;)
And it's funny you should mention that (in Bold) because our choir has the very same rule! :blush: