Forum Discussion

IreneSwift's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
7 years ago

No Time for a Cheater

Last night I couldn't sleep, so I opened my game and played about half a sim day, until I felt too sleepy to play any more. I left my sim, Annie, sitting on a bench outside the bookstore, reading a recipe she had just purchased.

When I opened my game this morning, as I was in the process of deciding what to have her do when she finished the book, along came Doug Rodel, a fellow resident of IP. She and Doug have been friends ever since they competed against each other in a soccer tournament match, which Annie won. He hit on her at that time, but not long after, he married Valerie Vidal. Yet he continued to send Annie love letters.

When Doug saw her, he waved and greeted her, then sat down next to her.

I was about to have Annie put away her book and start a friendly chat with him, when his thumbnail appeared in her queue. I took a look to see what it was he planned to do with Annie, and it said "cuddle." So Annie kept reading as he stared at her, waiting for her to stop. She is NOT interested in cozying up to a cheater!

Finally, someone else came and took Doug's attention away from Annie.

He was still chatting with the other woman when Annie finished learning her recipe, so she went home before he could start bothering her again.

  • What is it they say? "Once a cheater, always a cheater." ;)

    I'd say you did good by Annie. :blush:

    No one needs that kind of negativity in their life.
  • In Doug's defense the love letters mean nothing other than the attraction system being totally ridiculous and not indicative of genuine attraction. As for the attempt to cuddle, I don't think there was anything romantic in that either. I have seen sims of the same gender, whose gender preferences were completely straight (checked with MC), cuddling on benches at the park. I have even had an NPC firefighter sit next to one of my sims and cuddle up and there was no attempt on the NPC's part to take it any further or to even interact with my sim when I extricated them.
  • IreneSwift's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    @Mikezumi Of course. Everything that goes on is just something the game makes happen because of the way it's programmed. None of it is real. But it makes things a lot more interesting and fun to take things like that seriously.
  • Cororon's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    Good for her! :lol: I guess she could have told him to plum off (self-censored word there!) but that would have affected their friendship.
  • @IreneSwift I understand that. I was just taking Doug's side ;)
    Even though I know the hearts mean nothing, I am always looking for my sims to get hearts with the partners I have picked for them :D