Forum Discussion

Boringbones's avatar
4 years ago

Old Sunset (The Sunset valley from The Sims 3 Beta)

Be welcome! Guys I would like to share with you a job that I have been developing for the past 10 years. I literally spent some time away from it since the most recent bugs in Create a world with the release of In the future, and I even deleted all files related to that project. But luckily I was able to redeem an earlier version and work on it, making it even better than it was before.

Old Sunset will be what I always expected from The Sims 3, a world with history, depth, drama and especially reference to that old Sunset Valley photo from the Beta version. Of course, it will have lots of all expansions, but this time, I am creating it in an optimized way by creating "mini districts" which in turn tends to make the batching of the lots faster and their looks more attractive!

The World

The home of supernatural beings

Rural Region

Resort Island

Scientific Region

Heart of the Town

Ocean view

Wright Mountain

My goal is for each Rabit Holle to be open, however in the last few days I have restricted the use of personalized content to the minimum possible and some batches may change or become rabit holles with different looks. I really need to sit down and analyze what is the best decision in terms of optimization

Bella and Mortimer Goth (and their parents) there will still be new adaptations mainly to your skin tones

I share more than this in my Youtube Channel: Boring Bones (but i dont put link here, because i dont know that i can xD)
I hope you love and back to play The Sims 3.
Thank you to see <3

  • This lots looks super cute! like I'm not even able to say if I'm looking at pictures from Sims 3 or Sims 1. So funky B)
  • SakuraPhoenix's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Welcome back to sims3~
    Love the design of the houses you've shown so far, they look really cute.
  • Yes! Hahah the isometric angle is super cute, and give to the photos a lot of nostalgic emotion <3
    Thank you very much!!
  • "wineland88P;c-17793620" wrote:
    Looks really cool! I like the idea you had for this world.

    Thank you!! I will have a good amount of work yet, but in the end, I believe it will be worth it, it will be rewarded Haha

    "KiearaPhoenix;c-17794073" wrote:

    Welcome back to sims3~
    Love the design of the houses you've shown so far, they look really cute.

    Thank you! Balanced design with good gardening work is important, I want to create a harmony that is attractive both in the map view and in the simulation mode (crossing your fingers to achieve this) Thanks !!
  • Hi @Liverick

    beautiful world I love the little touches and the way you have designed the areas and terrain. I am wondering if there is going to be any dive ports/dive spots? The reason I always stick with IP so much is because i can literally sail the houseboats all around that world. I have bookmarked the page so I can keep up :)
  • "SPARKY1922;c-17797029" wrote:
    Hi @Liverick

    beautiful world I love the little touches and the way you have designed the areas and terrain. I am wondering if there is going to be any dive ports/dive spots? The reason I always stick with IP so much is because i can literally sail the houseboats all around that world. I have bookmarked the page so I can keep up :)

    Definitively! Including diving areas and content from other expansions is something that is in my plans. I'm sacrificing the CCs momentarily for that. I hope it works and has stability. Thank you very much!! <3