Marty Hansen lives at 100 Redwood Parkway.
This is the house Marty and Patience lived in while they were married.
Marty's Household consists of Marty, Marcie and Mark.
Marcie Meredith
Marcie's Family Tree
Marcie's traits are: Lucky, Charismatic, Natural Cook, Family Oriented, Friendly. Her LTW is: Super Popular
Marcie is a base game only sim.
She was made within a few weeks of the Sims 3 being released. Marcie was made as an Adult to assist Patience with her babies.
She was introduced to Marty and Patience's household when they were married and having babies quickly.
When Patience left to live with Gobias Marty divorced her and Marcie stayed with Marty to help raise his five children Patience had left with him.
After the children were mostly teens Marty and Marcie finally got together and had a son, Mark.
After moving to Dragon Valley Marty and Marcie finally got married and had more children together. They seem very happy and devoted to each other.
Marty is younger than Marcie.
Here is Marcie leaving work at the end of her shift at Hogan's Deep Fried Diner.
Marty Hansen
Marty has five children and two grandchildren from Patience. He has one son with Marcie.
Marty was made as a husband for Patience when she was about to start trying to have 15 babies to earn a badge.
Marty's traits are: Born Salesman, Friendly, Green Thumb, Brave, Adventurous. His LTW: Alchemy Artisan
I think he may have needed to be Brave and Adventurous to take Patience on in the first place.
Marty just quietly gets on with life.
Mark Meredith
Mark is a teen.
His traits are: Supernatural Fan, Hot Headed, Disciplined, Friendly. His LTW: Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous
In Dragon Valley Mark lived a quiet life.
He initially helped his parents when they eventually married and had a few more children together.
After assisting with the hectic days of child rearing he decided he needed some quiet and moved to a secluded cottage away from the main part of the Dragon Valley township where he lived with his dog.
Somewhat later, I moved them all to a large version of Sunset Valley (with the assistance of NRAAS Porter mod) and I added Maria to the world.
Maria is another one of my base game only sims from way back. She had been made as a nanny for one of Patience's various families in a game played long ago.
Maria had never had any role in any of my game other than as the nanny for Patience. I chose to introduce her to Mark and their pairing seems to have been one of my rare successes in matching up sims with their partners.
Maria wanted to raise 5 babies and Mark was happy to give her all the assistance she needed to do just that. They currently live happily raising their 5 children together.