Gobias Home
58 Waterlily Lane Sunset Valley
This is the house Gobias lives in with his five children he had with Patience. Only four of them are living there at the moment because, the eldest, Giles, is currently visiting Patience. He went there to celebrate his birthday. He is now a young adult.
That singed Sim riding his broom is Percy, another son of Gobias and Patience. He is a teen. I just found him talking to Molly French who is a vampire. I sent him home for a shower because he was singed and I didn't want him to become a ghost until after I have got a few pictures for this post.
This is the current household for Gobias
Gobias is a witch. This happened before Patience met him in this game.
Gobias is a pre-made townie sim who comes with Sunset Valley.
Gobias' traits are: Flirty, Heavy Sleeper, Angler, Friendly, Childish. His LTW: Jack of All Trades
When a new game is first launched in Sunset Valley, Gobias is living alone in a nice house with ocean views. Unfortunately it isn't suitable for raising a large number of children without giving it some extreme, and unsuitable modifications. It loses much of it's attraction when altered for a large family.
His original home is at 433 Sunnyside Blvd
Gobias lives a quiet life with his family. They all seem happy together. When his children grew up and started their own careers and families and Gobias became an elder he ran into one of Patience's daughters from her marriage with Marty.
Gobias and Haley moved in together and had several babies before he died of old age.
I had nothing to do with this pair getting into a relationship. I thought Haley was safely married and happy with her new husband and baby son. However, when I left them alone to play a different household for a while I discovered she'd moved out.
It took me a while to work out where she'd gone. She'd moved in with Gobias and they were living together quite happily.
I left them together. I'd spent so much time on Haley already trying to keep her away from the elderly men. She consistently walked out on relationships I set up for her with what I thought were suitable sims to begin relationships with elders who inevitably died of old age. So when I found her with Gobias I just gave up and left them to it.
Much later I took control of their household and decided if they were living together they may as well have a family and they had a few babies before he died of old age. He was already an elder long before she moved in with him.
Percy is a teen who was born a witch.
Percy's traits are: Flirty, Heavy Sleeper, Friendly, Angler. His LTW: Star News Anchor.
Later on Percy has adventures. He meets and marries (without my assistance) a sim from Dragon Valley. She is an Adult at the time but soon becomes an elder. Percy wanted a family with her (I wanted them to have babies) so he worked at the chemistry table until he made a young again potion.
They had a son and proved to be terrible parents. The poor child barely survived on his own at home while his parents were out enjoying themselves.
I eventually took him away from his parents and placed him in a different household where he'd be cared for.
Gary is a teen. Unlike his two elder brothers (Giles and Percy) he is not a witch. Gary is human.
Gary's traits are: Adventurous, Disciplined, Genius, Friendly
Gary becomes a wealthy sim after he ages up to Young Adult.
He marries a fairy (who I made in CAS and have used many times in various games and posted many photos of her).
They have at least two babies.
I've neglected them but an anxious to see them age up as their parents have such strong features.
My all time favourite photo of Gary's future wife is this one.
That screenshot was taken a long time before they ever met in a game. I've posted it many times on the forums. She's testing the scary roller coaster in one of my roller coaster builds that I have in my studio.
Fran is in my studio as well.
In this game Gary and Fran live in a large house and have three Plum-bots as well as their own babies.
Gloria is a human teen.
Gloria's traits are: Family Oriented, Eccentric, Nurturing, Friendly. Her LTW: World Renowned Surgeon
Gloria marries a sim from Dragon Valley and they have two sons. They seem to live happy quiet lives.
Gabbi is the youngest of Gobias and Patience's five children. She is a human teen here.
Gabbi's traits are: Excitable, Easily Impressed, Coward, Friendly. Her LTW: Master Magician
Gabbi eventually marries a sim she meets in Dragon Valley and they have a family together. I rarely play their household and she has autonomously achieved her LTW.
I found Gobias with three of his teenage children at Varg's Tavern. Here are a few pictures I got of them there.
Gobias with Gabbi
Gary was planning to do his homework here but got interrupted
Percy was off some place else in town. I found him singed and chatting to Molly French who is a vampire. I sent him home.