Forum Discussion

TreyNutz2's avatar
7 years ago

Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law!

Has anyone done this LTW? I've never done it before and have a Kleptomaniac teen, so I thought I'd try it. I'm wondering if anyone knows how this works.

So far he's stolen a few items in the homeworld and that seemed to count for the LTW. Then I sent him to university and he stole quite a few cars, laptops, statues, lights... But on returning home the count for the LTW was reset and none of the items he stole seems to count, and his previous acquisitions no longer seem to count. :(

Is traveling generally going to reset this wish? (I use NRaas Traveler which may or may not have anything to do with his reset wish count.)

Do swiped objects while on vacation usually not count for this wish? I'm wondering if there's any point to sending him on acquisition trips to WA worlds, Oasis Landing, or other worlds in general (ignoring the issue above for the moment).

Does visiting or touring rabbit holes ever result in a kleptomaniac sim acquiring an object? Or does the sim have to work or attend school at the rabbit hole in order to acquire something while in the rabbit hole?

Thanks for any insight.
  • I don't usually play with a klepto, since somehow I feel all the guilt that my sim manages to avoid. But the last time I used that trait, the sim wanted to return something every once in a while. I was ambivalent at first, but then I thought of all of the worthless junk he'd stolen. For example, I'd send him to the art gallery in the middle of the night, and he'd manage to steal not one but TWO spotlights. The museum can have those back; I'd rather not hold on to the evidence of my sim's exceedingly poor taste. And, of course, he got a nice moodlet for doing the right thing, even if he kept the §10,000 statue for himself.
  • "TreyNutz;c-16273025" wrote:
    "saffiredragon9;c-16272374" wrote:
    Not sure if it was just my game being glitchy but I had a sim with this lifetime wish that had her stolen item value reset to zero when she got married - so hold off on the weddings aswell as the travelling just to be sure ;)

    Thanks for the heads up! I'll postpone marriage for that sim until I complete the LTW.

    "GITTE2001;c-16272467" wrote:
    I had the same problem with this LTW, nice to see I'm not the only one.

    Thanks for the feedback. Seems like a bug and not a weird glitch then.

    "JoAnne65;c-16273000" wrote:
    I googled and found this topic. So it definitely is a glitch, caused by the fact the game will stop seeing stolen goods as stolen when you travel. The topic also holds a solution, hope it works:

    Thanks for finding that thread! It looks like this LTW is typically EA buggy. The solution is good to know as my sim steals stuff in the homeworld, but I don't think it will help with traveling. When he was in university the LTW didn't even display the value of how much he stole. And since the items lose their stolen status (but not their lowered value) on returning home, the only fix I can figure out is above (which worked).

    As I understood it the stolen goods left at home will be recognized as stolen again as soon as your sims gets home (which technically is nothing more than reopening an old save, nothing happened to it while your sim was gone and even the sim in there is a clone and not the sim you played abroad), but that’s not the case then? Somebody did a lousy job thinking this through when implementing it. Well, what’s new right...? But the only solution then is not travelling (or marrying) till the LTW is achieved? Or were you referring to the MC solution?
  • "JoAnne65;c-16274031" wrote:

    As I understood it the stolen goods left at home will be recognized as stolen again as soon as your sims gets home (which technically is nothing more than reopening an old save, nothing happened to it while your sim was gone and even the sim in there is a clone and not the sim you played abroad), but that’s not the case then? Somebody did a lousy job thinking this through when implementing it. Well, what’s new right...? But the only solution then is not travelling (or marrying) till the LTW is achieved? Or were you referring to the MC solution?

    My sim had stolen 2 items worth about 200 simoleons which I left on the home lot, then traveled to university. While at university he stole ~40 items worth about 30,000 simoleons. He brought all those items home. On returning home the LTW counter showed 0 simoleons stolen. So, 2 things: (1) the 2 items worth about 200 simoleons which he stole before the trip were no longer counted as being stolen, and (2) the items he stole during his trip and brought home did not count either.

    The solution (to put stolen items on the home lot and leave them there) posted in the Craig's list :p Carl's Guide thread didn't work for travel for me. It might work for stuff stolen in the homeworld and not immediately recognized as being stolen. However, all of the objects my sim has stolen have immediately counted so far.

    My solution was to re-steal all those items. I put new versions on a lot across the street and had my sim steal them all again. To save time I used Retuner (not MC) to allow him to steal 40 items a day and then set that back to 3 items per day when he was done. Going forward he won't travel or get married until he completes the LTW. The MC command to change the LTW Tally did not work.

    I confess I initially misread the 'solution' posted on that Craig's list post. I thought the OP there was just referring to issues with items stolen in the home world which were not being counted by the LTW. After rereading that post I see the OP was claiming their solution was a fix for traveling too - but that was not the case in my game.
  • Not that this going to really be helpful at all, and not that I was really all that helpful earlier on this thread either, but a couple of things perhaps worth pointing out.

    -- Although they can and sometimes do lose bits of data along the way, actively controlled sims who travel are not really clones of their full homeworld selves. That applies only to tourists/visitors who are invited to homeworlds temporarily and are meant to be "sent back" when their visit is over.

    -- Craig's List doesn't actually have much sims content on it. Carl's Guide has some though. (sorry, tried to resist but failed) :)
  • NikkeiSimmer's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    @igazor, Well, craigslist does have the occasional used Sims 3 games (games are sims content) and expansion packs, but unfortunately due to EA's policies on used games, it's doubtful if they would work. :D :mrgreen:

    ...and EA would consider it "stolen content". :D >:) ~evil grin~

    And for further reiteration to the new users of the forum: DO NOT BUY USED Sims 3 GAMES. You won't be able to register them and EA will not support your EA game or give you a new key.
  • Thanks for the heads up. It’s also possible - that topic on Carl’s is from december 2011 - that things worked back then but not anymore (patches and new packs have always been known for breaking stuff). So my personal solution is going to be avoiding that LTW. Hope you’ll be able to finish it TreyNutz.