If your fans are kicking up, it's because the laptop is getting hot enough to justify it. Have you cleaned it recently? Even relatively new laptops can get dusty quickly, and a blocked fan can easily cause overheating. For whatever model of laptop you have, there's probably a YouTube video showing you how to disassemble and clean it.
Another possibility is that your hardware is working harder than necessary. Have you manually capped your in-game framerates? If not, that's the first step you should take—it will decrease the load on (and therefore the heat generated by) the graphics card, and also protect the card from overworking itself. You can check fps by bringing up the cheats console (ctrl-shift-C) and entering "fps on" without quotes. A number will appear in the upper right corner of your screen, and if it fluctuates wildly or is consistently high, you'll need to take steps to cap it.
For Nvidia cards, the first tool to try is the built-in Control Panel. If that doesn't work (and it never works in windowed mode), the next one is Nvidia Inspector (free download). Here's an explanation for how to set up each tool:
For AMD cards, RivaTuner Statistics Server is the first choice, since the built-in Radeon tool is not reliable. RTSS works fine with Nvidia cards too. Let me know if you need a screenshot, and I can grab one, but it's pretty straightforward to use.
If your laptop is clean, fps is locked in, and your fans are still running fast, you can download a tool to monitor your hardware temperatures. It's easy to run one or two alongside the game, and you can log a whole session to review afterwards as well (or to have someone else review, if you're not sure what you're looking at). Let me know if you want to go this route.