I have taken the morning off town planning and laying out roads. I found an image of Avebury village and was rather intrigued. The image is some years old, probably from the 1960s. It took a while to work out exactly how many houses are involved. I concluded it had to be a minimum of three. The gardens in the picture are somewhat neglected but at some time these dwellings must have been something rather more upmarket with gardens to match. The decorative brickwork, the use of black and white timbering makes me wonder if they are more than estate cotttages. I have concluded they were probably built in the mid Victorian period. Here is my take on the image.
Now I must admit to feeling rather guilty. I have not worked on Fenbury all week, so if there is time this weekend I must get some more work done. I still have a great deal of planning to do for Throxton. The town I have in mind has a castle. It is rather pretty but trying to build it without using the Castle kit from the store is going to make it very difficult to do.