"AJC20178;c-16678081" wrote:
Ok, i think its a LN apartment block, so is there no way of disabling the roomates?
A lot can be both at the same time. Check the lot type in Edit Town. If it's Residential-Apartment, then everyone needs to be evicted and the lot type changed first. We cannot disallow the Roommate Service on official Apartment type lots while keeping that designation without using a mod to redefine what the lot type means.
Like this one: http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=554197
LN apartments, the ones with the call box, NPC doors, and blackened out private units have nothing to do with Roommates. But again, a lot can be both, that is have the NPC units (LN) and the forced Roommate Service (Uni) at the same time, just don't know why anyone would want that unless they have a 6 bedroom apartment and want to fill it up with strangers sharing living space.