Forum Discussion

UlanDhor's avatar
Seasoned Novice
5 years ago

Rotational play and travel worlds

I have a question regarding rotational play and other worlds. I have always only visited these with my main family. Does anyone know what happens if you go to the travel worlds with a different family?

1. WA worlds: I guess there could be something going wrong with vacation homes?
2. Sim University: This should work, I guess, except that the game may choose to take the house I usually use away. I have taken the fridge out the last time I was there, so that's taken care of I assume. Maybe, I should place some general "SV dorm".
3. Oasis Landing. That one took already "my" house away during normal play, so I fully expect a complete reshuffle, as usual. Or, in other words, no real issue. I think time is only running in the future world and the home stays frozen, hopefully.

Does anyone have any experience in this regard?
  • Plenty, too much in fact (experience, I mean). :)

    1 - Nothing should go wrong. If Household B visits a world where Household A has a vacation home, the game still sees it as owned by Household A and it will be off-limits to anyone else during that visit.

    2 - Same as (1) except that we don't actually own the homes we have our sims stay in off-campus, they are merely rented by some invisible landlord. Hence the fridge trick to keep other, inactive sims from moving in when you bring either the same or the next travel party there.

    3 - In my more limited experiences with OL, all bets are off and just about anything can happen when visiting the future playing different households in the present.

    Note that all of the above assumes the usage of the Traveler mod, but I don't think that really changes anything mentioned except for other vacation destinations behaving the same way when different households and even those from different homeworlds visit within the same ongoing game except without the visa requirements. For example, my "main" household lives in Riverview and they have a vacation home in Twinbrook; they visit often because they have grown children and grandchildren there. It doesn't matter if I visit Twinbrook while playing this household, a different Riverview one, or one that lives in Bridgeport where everything is connected by way of NRaas Traveler, that vacation home still belongs to my main Riverview household as far as Twinbrook is concerned.
  • karritz's avatar
    New Spectator
    I have about 13 worlds in my current game.

    I try to either
    1. Keep a house vacant for whoever I decide to travel to that world so they have somewhere to arrive into, but recently had to drop them into a vacant lot before merging them with the household I wanted them to stay in. OR
    2. Have a Base Camp in each world.

    I'm finding option 1 easier to manage when arriving if I want to merge a sim, or group of traveling sims, into another already populated household in the destination world. But if the world if full and I forgot, when leaving last time, to make sure there is an empty house or empty lot in the world, I assume it would make it impossible for my traveling sims to arrive somewhere.

    Option 2 is good because you always have a designated spot for them to arrive at and the game will automatically place them into the base camp.

    In either option I often have the problem of the game not allowing me to move the whole traveling party from the lot they landed in to the household I want to merge them with. When this happens I merge all but one sim and then I evict that sim and add them to the destination household from the clipboard.

    NRAAS has a mod that will let you make a base camp in each world. I forget which it is though. I did do a video tutorial on it a few months ago. It is very easy to do - other than the time it takes to build the base camp.
  • I thought it was Traveler that allowed the Base Camp designation in non-WA worlds, but maybe I am not understanding that part entirely.

    If there are no available places to stay, no empty residential lots to temporarily host the visiting party, and no Base Camps, then the traveling sims will get stuck on the arrival screen with the player being asked where they would like to stay (and no viable choices presented). That doesn't break the game, but the session becomes useless and has to be quit and replayed from a prior point. There was supposed to be a fix in Traveler to prevent this from happening, sort of a "just drop us somewhere and we'll figure it out" escape switch, but it's either not entirely effective or is still on the drawing board for a future mod release. I mean...this isn't as common in some parts of the US once we get away from motels alongside the highway, but I've traveled to places in other countries where it's just not necessary to make reservations beforehand. You show up at the train or bus station and find a nice Bed and Breakfast from the local hospitality board, with staff on hand or a landline phone call away for those who need assistance. And if there are no vacancies in town, then tough luck, get back on the next bus or train and try the next town. Or spend the night in the station. One learns quickly that 10 or 11pm arrivals are not a great idea during busier seasons. To be fair though, I was much younger and more flexible when I used to travel that way. :)

    My long-running ongoing game has 16 Traveler mod connected worlds in it. Each save weighs in at around 2.3 GB and it's all fine, it was even fine at sizes something like that back when I played the more crippled Mac version of the game. It's the size of each actively being played nhd file within the save that counts, not the overall save as the not being simulated worlds and the TravelDB file do not load into RAM and they become extra data that gets dragged back and forth with each loadup, save, and quit. Unless of course one is running low on usable drive space, then the size of each save becomes more significant.
  • AlexaKry's avatar
    New Spectator
    34 worlds here! Little show off here on my side! :D
    No problems at all, save game is 9,92 GB big but as @igazor said: it´s only the actively played world which will be increased, the other ones wouldn´t be touched unless you´ll move to the next world.
  • UlanDhor's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    Thank you very much, @igazor . That sounds very promising. I have the Traveler mod installed, and I have a lot of destinations to choose from when I go on vacation. I guess that should mean everything you just said applies. Thanks again.
  • UlanDhor's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    Thanks. 13 Worlds! How large is your savegame (the folder)? I had the impression the game fails when the save reaches 1 GB.
  • UlanDhor's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    Thank you both for the explanations. The reason why I said this was that, when I played, my largest viable savegame happened to be 999,990 kB large, and when I did something like pick a flower, the game wouldn't save. Probably just a coincidence. I also had a mangled nhd file that was cut off at exactly 150.000 kB, which also looked weirdly exact. Then again, correlation doesn't mean causation, as I've learned often enough, so thanks for the input. That lets me travel with much more confidence.