Forum Discussion
6 years ago
Everyone back at the house boat were all jarred awake by the entire boat shaking and what sounded like the piercing whistle of a car sized bottle rocket. Grabbing their ears they rushed outside.
Niella was the first out. Looking up towards the sky just in time she was instantly paralyzed with fear
A giant meteor tore through the resort tower like a bullet through tissue paper, a deafening blast following in it's wake
It smashed into the patio just behind the show stage, starting a chain reaction of explosions throughout the main building as the building's gas lines exploded. Shrapnel and smaller meteors rained down on the resort, and soon fires were raging all throughout the property.
The fire department was quick to the scene, and heroically fought the endless blazes relentlessly
and the flames yielded...
After forcing themselves to move and throwing on whatever clothes they could grab, Karlie, Raj, Connor and Niella rushed to the scene just as the firefighters were putting away their gear
Although Raj stopped to ask the firefighters if it was safe and to get details, Karlie picked up speed and ran passed him. "Stop her, Connor!" Niella shouted, worried and then rushed after them herself.
Karlie got just onto the property when the ringtone for her mother came loud and clear. Stopping, she answered knowing that her mother would be sick with worry. "Mom, it's ok - I'M ok.." she answered. "Oh thank God! Thank you God!" Shari cried "I was so worried oh my God what happened?!?" "The Sands was hit by a meteor!! We saw it all! I just got here, I haven't been able to see how much damage we suffered yet but yes, I'm ok Mama." Karlie reassured her. "I'm just pulling up now babygirl, I see the firetrucks! Are you sure you're ok, is everyone ok??!?"
Niella continued past Karlie and turned the corner to head toward where it looked like the initial strike was and stopped dead in her tracks, mouth agape as she gasped, followed by Karlie who immediately burst into tears
Sobbing, she stared at the enormous crater in the middle of her resort.
"KARLIE!" She spun around and was instantly embraced by Shari. "Oh Mama it's all gone, it's ALL GONE!" she wept. Shari just held her and held her and slowly Karlie pulled herself together.
Still sniffling Karlie looked at her mom.. "All my hard work... Just... Gone...
"I can't imagine how you feel right now. I can't imagine how hurt you are. But we're going to get up just like we always do, right? I know you, I know you're smart so I know this place is completely covered. Acts of nature HAS to be covered, right? So yes, it'll take a lot of hard work but look how much you learned last time? Things will go so much faster, I know they will. And remember what you said just yesterday?? That this place still didn't feel like it was your own?? Now you can make it your own" Shari consoled Karlie. Karlie sniffled.
Niella immediately dialed the head of her research department, Javiera Batista. "No we're going to need WHOLE team Javi. I need you to get a meeting scheduled first thing tomorrow. Yep, yep that's fine, have him run the store while we get on top of this. But I want Hamada there. Get Lopita, too, we're going to need her dirty work."
"Thank GOD this happened when the resort was closed, but after your beautiful wedding..." Shari sighed with sudden relief. A look of terror came over Karlie's face, on the other hand. She suddenly burst past Shari. Shari quickly dashed after her.
When Shari caught up, Karlie was standing under the wedding arch she and Raj had pledged their lives to each other under. Karlie grabbed her chest, overcome with emotion and stuttered through tears "I... I .. was afraid it was.. I was afraid we had lost this, our..."
"K Bear..." Raj's deep but calm voice called from behind
"Hey now. I'm here. You're here. That's what matters.." he said gently as he wiped a tear from under her eye. Tenderly he took her face in his hands and he said it again "You're here. I'm here. WE are here, K Bear. And you know what? Look? So is this silly little bamboo arch. That means we're stronger than a meteor storm baby. Nothing, and I mean NOTH-ING can stop us, understand?" and he wrapped her up into his arms.
Shari took Karlie back to the houseboat and sat with her most of the day, trying to keep Karlie's spirits up, leaving only when she knew she had to get home to let Piggy Girl out. Niella, Connor, and Raj spent the day survey the damage, turning off water lines, dealing with insurance companies and the media, and trying to salvage what they could. It was pretty clear, however, that the damage was massive and extensive work was in store.
When Raj finally got home, he could hear Karlie softly crying at the top of the stairs and went up to her. "I'm sorry" she sniffled, trying to compose herself. "I just feel like the last 6 months have all been for nothing and it's still just really hard..." "K Bear, you have nothing to be sorry for" Raj placed his hands gently on her arms and boosted her up a little... "It's been a real jerk of a Monday.. " "the jerkiest" Karlie interjected "yeah the jerkiest! You have every right to be upset. But remember what your mom said, you can make it yours now. I promise, as soon as you feel back to yourself you're going to get excited, just like you always do, and pour your heart into the NEW Sands, YOUR Sands. I promise everything is going to be good. Now I'm going to go run you a bubble bath and you're going to let this day melt away" scooping her into his arms once again.
He lit some candles and drew her a bath. Karlie knotted her hair into a bun and slipped into the bubbles. She drew her knees into her chest and rested her chin on them. It all hurt so bad, but maybe Mom and Raj were right. Maybe the silver lining of this could end up being the best thing that's ever happened to The Sands. To her... To her and the Sands... Just then, Raj stepped into the bathroom pouring a glass of wine "I figured you might like something to sip on while you soak" and placed the tray with the bottle and glass next to her on the floor as he kissed her on the forehead before stepping out. "No.." she thought, "THAT is the best thing that has ever happened to me." And maybe, just maybe he was right... Maybe a NEW Sands is exactly what the universe wanted from her... She let the last worry of the day slip away with every pop of a bubble and in it's place an idea took shape. She started to form pictures to her thoughts. She envisioned a resort of luxury, beautifully landscaped. She imagined an upscale but earthy Bistro, an elegant and crisp buffet area, a casino area that spoke the language of kings and queens to pages and peasants... Yes maybe, just maybe, her husband was right...
I know it was long, but I felt like there were just so many screen caps that added to the story that it was really hard to leave some of them out... Hope you all felt it was worth it. Thankfully most of it's pictures :)
To be continued :)
Niella was the first out. Looking up towards the sky just in time she was instantly paralyzed with fear
A giant meteor tore through the resort tower like a bullet through tissue paper, a deafening blast following in it's wake
It smashed into the patio just behind the show stage, starting a chain reaction of explosions throughout the main building as the building's gas lines exploded. Shrapnel and smaller meteors rained down on the resort, and soon fires were raging all throughout the property.
The fire department was quick to the scene, and heroically fought the endless blazes relentlessly
and the flames yielded...
After forcing themselves to move and throwing on whatever clothes they could grab, Karlie, Raj, Connor and Niella rushed to the scene just as the firefighters were putting away their gear
Although Raj stopped to ask the firefighters if it was safe and to get details, Karlie picked up speed and ran passed him. "Stop her, Connor!" Niella shouted, worried and then rushed after them herself.
Karlie got just onto the property when the ringtone for her mother came loud and clear. Stopping, she answered knowing that her mother would be sick with worry. "Mom, it's ok - I'M ok.." she answered. "Oh thank God! Thank you God!" Shari cried "I was so worried oh my God what happened?!?" "The Sands was hit by a meteor!! We saw it all! I just got here, I haven't been able to see how much damage we suffered yet but yes, I'm ok Mama." Karlie reassured her. "I'm just pulling up now babygirl, I see the firetrucks! Are you sure you're ok, is everyone ok??!?"
Niella continued past Karlie and turned the corner to head toward where it looked like the initial strike was and stopped dead in her tracks, mouth agape as she gasped, followed by Karlie who immediately burst into tears
Sobbing, she stared at the enormous crater in the middle of her resort.
"KARLIE!" She spun around and was instantly embraced by Shari. "Oh Mama it's all gone, it's ALL GONE!" she wept. Shari just held her and held her and slowly Karlie pulled herself together.
Still sniffling Karlie looked at her mom.. "All my hard work... Just... Gone...
"I can't imagine how you feel right now. I can't imagine how hurt you are. But we're going to get up just like we always do, right? I know you, I know you're smart so I know this place is completely covered. Acts of nature HAS to be covered, right? So yes, it'll take a lot of hard work but look how much you learned last time? Things will go so much faster, I know they will. And remember what you said just yesterday?? That this place still didn't feel like it was your own?? Now you can make it your own" Shari consoled Karlie. Karlie sniffled.
Niella immediately dialed the head of her research department, Javiera Batista. "No we're going to need WHOLE team Javi. I need you to get a meeting scheduled first thing tomorrow. Yep, yep that's fine, have him run the store while we get on top of this. But I want Hamada there. Get Lopita, too, we're going to need her dirty work."
"Thank GOD this happened when the resort was closed, but after your beautiful wedding..." Shari sighed with sudden relief. A look of terror came over Karlie's face, on the other hand. She suddenly burst past Shari. Shari quickly dashed after her.
When Shari caught up, Karlie was standing under the wedding arch she and Raj had pledged their lives to each other under. Karlie grabbed her chest, overcome with emotion and stuttered through tears "I... I .. was afraid it was.. I was afraid we had lost this, our..."
"K Bear..." Raj's deep but calm voice called from behind
"Hey now. I'm here. You're here. That's what matters.." he said gently as he wiped a tear from under her eye. Tenderly he took her face in his hands and he said it again "You're here. I'm here. WE are here, K Bear. And you know what? Look? So is this silly little bamboo arch. That means we're stronger than a meteor storm baby. Nothing, and I mean NOTH-ING can stop us, understand?" and he wrapped her up into his arms.
Shari took Karlie back to the houseboat and sat with her most of the day, trying to keep Karlie's spirits up, leaving only when she knew she had to get home to let Piggy Girl out. Niella, Connor, and Raj spent the day survey the damage, turning off water lines, dealing with insurance companies and the media, and trying to salvage what they could. It was pretty clear, however, that the damage was massive and extensive work was in store.
When Raj finally got home, he could hear Karlie softly crying at the top of the stairs and went up to her. "I'm sorry" she sniffled, trying to compose herself. "I just feel like the last 6 months have all been for nothing and it's still just really hard..." "K Bear, you have nothing to be sorry for" Raj placed his hands gently on her arms and boosted her up a little... "It's been a real jerk of a Monday.. " "the jerkiest" Karlie interjected "yeah the jerkiest! You have every right to be upset. But remember what your mom said, you can make it yours now. I promise, as soon as you feel back to yourself you're going to get excited, just like you always do, and pour your heart into the NEW Sands, YOUR Sands. I promise everything is going to be good. Now I'm going to go run you a bubble bath and you're going to let this day melt away" scooping her into his arms once again.
He lit some candles and drew her a bath. Karlie knotted her hair into a bun and slipped into the bubbles. She drew her knees into her chest and rested her chin on them. It all hurt so bad, but maybe Mom and Raj were right. Maybe the silver lining of this could end up being the best thing that's ever happened to The Sands. To her... To her and the Sands... Just then, Raj stepped into the bathroom pouring a glass of wine "I figured you might like something to sip on while you soak" and placed the tray with the bottle and glass next to her on the floor as he kissed her on the forehead before stepping out. "No.." she thought, "THAT is the best thing that has ever happened to me." And maybe, just maybe he was right... Maybe a NEW Sands is exactly what the universe wanted from her... She let the last worry of the day slip away with every pop of a bubble and in it's place an idea took shape. She started to form pictures to her thoughts. She envisioned a resort of luxury, beautifully landscaped. She imagined an upscale but earthy Bistro, an elegant and crisp buffet area, a casino area that spoke the language of kings and queens to pages and peasants... Yes maybe, just maybe, her husband was right...
I know it was long, but I felt like there were just so many screen caps that added to the story that it was really hard to leave some of them out... Hope you all felt it was worth it. Thankfully most of it's pictures :)
To be continued :)
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