7 years agoLegend
Silly Question #2 - Mrs. Stingley's Bee Keeping Box - How do you get better quality honey?
I know that playing "classical music" to soothe the savage bees is a TS4 thing, but I figured, well, in for a penny, in for a pound. I've got the stereo playing beside the three bee boxes. Maybe it might quell the nasty little buggers, or maybe not. Either way, it's amusing to see poor sim dancing around screaming about being stung. C'est la vie.
I also put flowers beside the boxes, so that the bees would have something to do other than just buzz around the bee box.
Now let me get this straight: Smoke box... clean and feed bees. No smoke box -> Harvest honey? Is that the process? If so, I've been doing it wrong.
Any other suggestions on how to improve the quality of honey?
I also put flowers beside the boxes, so that the bees would have something to do other than just buzz around the bee box.
Now let me get this straight: Smoke box... clean and feed bees. No smoke box -> Harvest honey? Is that the process? If so, I've been doing it wrong.
Any other suggestions on how to improve the quality of honey?