Forum Discussion

lanlynk's avatar
7 years ago

Simlish Fair Stories

I've decided to start a thread linking my stories here on the forum to my blog. I won't try to repost the stories I've shared elsewhere on the forum, but I'll give links to where they can be found on my blog.

Any new updates I add will be posted both here and on my blog. I'm hoping this thread will make it easier for readers to find any of my stories they're interested in reading, whether past or current.

This first post gives links to the stories I've been working on. Some story lines have several chapters while others have only a few right now. And I'm still updating several. All these TOCs can also be found on my blog, along with a few other topics.

Notice that the tables of contents on the blog are arranged with older updates on the bottom of the page, while newer links are given towards the top. Most updates are numbered to help with this sorting order.

Stories and Adventures

Challenges and Experiments

  • Bridgeport: 112 Day Challenge and beyond
  • Côtes d'Ambonnay: Medieval families moved here from Mysterious Island, and are just settling in
  • Mountain Lake: Charlie's family moved from here to Legacy Island III while the Clue House sims relocated to a new Mountain Lake save and are just getting started
  • Mysterious Island: Medieval families moved from here to Côtes d'Ambonnay
  • Sunlit Tides: Bucket Listers
  • Twinbrook: a focus on pets
  • World Travelers: a new story line taking place on Mysterious Island

Regular Game Play

More Sims 3

Other Sims Versions

Edited to update blog post links.

58 Replies

  • I've edited my original post here to add links to some miscellaneous posts on my blog. You can check those links out in the first page of this thread or on my blog: The Pixie Well

    Today, I added 2 more updates in Sims 3 Miscellany. They were also recently posted in the "What Happened" thread on the general Sims 3 forum. My blog updates also include a few screenshots from 2015 when I originally created the community builds I talk about in the posts.

    A Sunset Valley Tourist Neighborhood: Part 1

    A Sunset Valley Tourist Neighborhood: Part 2
  • While I was taking screenshots of the SV vacation world (through my Bridgeport save), I decided to go back and find any updates I hadn't posted to my blog for my Bridgeport family. I updated 4 older chapters from 2015 on to my blog, plus one new chapter about 4-Bitz in the SV community neighborhood. So now my Bridgeport story is currently up to date.

    The Abbott Household in Bridgeport: 112 Day Challenge and Beyond

    Here are the posts I updated today:

    01-19. Honeymoon in Sunset Valley: Part 1
    01-20. Honeymoon in Sunset Valley: Part 2
    01-21. Newly Married in Bridgeport
    01-22. Ready for the Next Challenge
    01-23. 4-Bitz Takes a Vacation
  • I need to read more of your blog. We are coming into a few more hottish days here and my son will be starting back at school tomorrow (which means extra work for me because of his anxiety) so I probably won't be on the computer much but it will be too hot to sim so I will be able to read some of your blog in the computer time I do have :)
    Fortunately I have played ahead in my save so I can update as I type feedback in the chat thread in that time too.
  • @Mikezumi Thanks so much for your interest in my stories! You may have already read a lot of the posts I'm trying to catch up on. Most of my older updates were originally posted on the "What Happened" thread, but it may have been years ago. My goal is to get everything organized on my blog so the story chapters are all together and easy to access. This thread is sort of a link between the forum and the blog.

    As you have time, you can browse through the blog contents and see if you've missed anything or don't remember some of my characters. But I certainly understand how short time can be for everyone. As for me, there are so many stories/updates from simmers I love to read! I need more hours in the day. :#
  • I am starting with your older stories because they were before I came back to simming at the end of 2017 :)

    Appaloosa Plains
    Brisha is a lovely name! She and Garrith are a lovely looking couple :)
    The plant sim toddlers are adorable :) It broke my heart the only time I played a plant sim that the father, Beau Merrick, didn't roll wishes like he did for his other children although he was her "father" according to his family tree :( Beau's plant sim daughter was not nearly as cute as yours ;)
    I think it's lovely that you saved the sims from your original Riverview save and played them in other worlds :)
    Marco and Fufu are really cute and fluffy :)
    I can't imagine playing any sim on Epic let alone beyond that!
    That's a great idea having lots next door to each other. I can't imagine keeping horses wouldn't be easy otherwise. Will they get another horse or do you not play them much these days?
    Brisha and Garith must be very skilled sims after all that playing!
    That was great that they harvested plant sim babies of the opposite gender since it would make the fact that they are clones of the harvester less noticeable!
    LOL What an interesting way to get rid of IFs! Glad it didn't backfire on Garith :D
    Yay for Brisha turning the IF into gold :)
    I love it when my sims are eternally faithful :) My sims had to start from scratch when I moved them to SV but they are finally eternally faithful again :)
  • @Mikezumi Hey, thanks for reading about my 1st Sims 3 couple. I have a lot of old memory shots of them when they were in Riverview, but haven't taken time to post them on the blog yet. I played the family before I was on the forum too, back when just my sister and I simmed together. We played our separate families and uploaded memories to share with each other. Because of those times, Brisha and Garith are even more special to me.

    I don't have any chapters about their son Russ posted on my blog yet. He was my 1st born-in-game sim, and of course, I loved him to death! When he became a YA, I moved him and his Imaginary Friend Poppet to Isla Paradiso. They became love interests. Poppet is in the film industry and Russ is in the military (Astronaut LTW). Russ spent a little time at Fort Starch Military Academy as a teen, and Poppet went to LeFromage Art School.

    New YAs Russ and Poppet, just graduated from Fort Starch and LeFromage.

    Poppet drove Russ crazy when they were kids--until he was able to turn her into a real girl.

    Now, Russ doesn't mind if Poppet follows him around.

    Mimi is the couple's little kitten.

    Russ was going to be an only child, but when Garith visited the past in the old time machine, he came back with a daughter, Ellen--a half-sister to Russ. I raised her along with Russ and Poppet, and Ellen ended up living in Barnacle Bay with Cruz Martingale.

    Ellen raised her horse Domino from a colt. She's a teen here in Appaloosa Plains.

    Ellen's an Equestrian in the Horse career now, with The Jockey LTW.

    Cruz is in the diving career with the Deep Sea Diver LTW. (I built 2 diving lots in BB, and the couple vacations in Isla Paradiso too.)
  • @Mikezumi I forgot to answer your question about whether the Weylors will get horses again. I think what I'm going to do is have the plantsim kids get horses when they grow up. At that time, I'll probably switch over to playing them as actives and let Garith and Brisha "retire" as my Appaloosa Plains household. That is if I ever get back to playing the family. I have so many world saves going now!

    And yes, Brisha and Garith are very skilled and have scads of money. Russ and Ellen both took some of the family's resources when they left, so they're doing great too.
  • I recently bought Sims 4 and a few packs. I've been enjoying its different features and game play--pleasantly surprised. I'm not sure how far into Sims 4 I'll go, but for now I do have a few simple blog posts on a household I'm playing in Willow Creek. If I do expand my Sims 4 game time, I'll be posting those updates in the Sims 4 forum instead of here.

    Sims 4 Game Play

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