5 years agoLegend
Sims 3 (Castaway Story) - "Punch-out"
"Punch-Out": A Survival Story (Castaway)
Chapter One - Mayday
"Homeplate, Fast Eagle 101, Angels 20..." Commander Toshio "Animal" Nakamura spoke into the mic embedded in his oxygen mask, "Two minutes past waypoint three heading two five zero,"
"Say your state, One Zero One..."
"State zero plus four five to splash." was Animal's response to the Combat Information Center on the USS Theodore Roosevelt, (CVN-71).
"Roger that, One Zero you need a Texaco."
"We're One Five to Marshal...we should be fine before we get behind the boat."
"Copy that, One Zero One... We'll have a Viking up if you need one."
Animal grinned behind his oxygen mask, "How you doing, Butch?"
"Five by five, Animal...sure was a boring patrol."
"Like things exciting? At least the sky was clear of MiGs. Don't want to rattle the dragon too much unless we want to be eating Atolls for breakfast."
"You have a point there, Animal." Butch's voice was merry as her green eyes twinkled; her oxygen mask was tight to her face and her head was doing circuits around the instrument display looking for any anomalies in the readings. That was the job of the Radar Intercept Officer; the backseater in the F-14 Tomcat.
"Should be back on the boat in twenty." Animal's F-14 was the CO's bird. It was kept in good condition...but of course the rigors of being shot off the front end of the boat and constant banging of the aircraft main-mounts when trapping was not the best way to keep in continuing good health the multitude of components that made up their frontline fighter aircraft.
It was about three minutes later that everything went to hell in a handbasket.
"Oil pressure is down, Animal." Animal heard worry in Butch's tone as she scanned her panels.
"Yeah, stick's getting heavy...too, I think we got a hydraulic leak...somewhere."
"Combined and flight pressure dropping to zero..."
Animal's tone went no-nonsense, "Emergency checklist... Emergency Flight Hydraulicss switch.."
"Low..." Butch's head went down to the panels.
"Says we should divert, we're divert possible." Animal informed her.
"Horizontal stabilizers, reducing rate, No SAS/ARI."
Going down the checklist...and praying that the plane didn't depart controlled flight, Animal fought the controls.
"Landing Gear Handle" he reached for the handle to put it down. "Emergency Down...flaps twenty...Oh...s---- Combat, Mayday Mayday Mayday, Fast Eagle One Zero One, Hydraulics are gone, Oil Pressure Zero, stick is tight, Cannot control Attitude..."
"Fast Eagle One Zero One, What's your position?"
"Can't tell at this point, the front boards went out, I'm deadsticking it with no controls, The Electricals gone too. I'm going to point this thing towards the nearest island I can find and punch us out."
"Roger that, One Zero One, Godspeed."
Animal stomped on the rudder and cranked the stick over...hoping that the F-14 wouldn't depart controlled flight. He could see a pair of islands just over by his starboard, maybe he could get them close enough that they could swim for it..."Stow your gear, I'm gonna try to get us as close as we can before we punch it. "
"Oh, man, I was hoping we wouldn't have to do this today..."
"Yeah...neither did I..." As he felt the stick go completely tight..., Animal said, "Mask on, Leg loops tight, Visor down...Eject Eject Eject..."
Pulling on the ejection handle loops just above and to the rear of his helmet on the ejection seat. He pulled the loops and the unfurling curtain to protect him from flying debris. Butch's GRU7 ejection seat fired first, then two seconds later he felt a sharp kick at the base of his spine as his ejection seat fired rocketing him out of the F-14 Tomcat.
A few seconds later, he separated from his seat and he hung to his straps as the chute opened above him. Which meant that he had a clear view of the final moments of his bird and he felt a pang of despair as he saw his F-14 fall stricken towards the water...and impact...sending a cloud of spray...probably going straight to the bottom. Looking around he felt a huge sigh of relief as he saw the companion chute of his RIO floating down; it was wide open and slowing her descent.
"A rough way to end a day at the office." Animal muttered to himself. Hitting the water was a bit painful, but survivable at the rate of descent of his parachute. Pulling out his knife he sawed at the ropes freeing himself, just before they could pull him under. Then he sighted the shore of the island he had aimed for eight hundred meters away. He could make it. Hopefully Butch would do the same.
It took nearly twenty minutes to swim to shore and it was the longest twenty minutes of his life. He had excelled in swimming at ROTC, but that was being well-rested. This was after a Fleet Air Defense air patrol and being aloft for over four hours.
It was a relief to see Butch pull her self out of the water. Sopping wet from head to toe, still in her flight was Animal. "That was one hell of a swim..." she muttered, "Remind me when we get back to thank my swim instructor."
"Yeah, wasn't expecting to have to do that... I thought we were in closer...but apparently the wind was in the opposite direction."
"Well, our gear is completely soaked and our flight helmets and oxygen masks are probably at the bottom of the ocean somewhere, so we'd better get out of these things unless we want to catch a cold or something..."
"Yeah, that might be a good idea; Nice, wasn't expecting this white sandy beach on an island so far north."
"Well, we might as well enjoy the weather while it lasts...why don't we take a swim...after we get out of these clothes and let our flight suits dry?" Leah suggested.
It was about fifteen minutes later, stripped down to skivvies...and in the water that Animal grinned at Butch. "Good thinking, Lieutenant..."
" know, sir... young minds work pretty quick."
She wasn't even the slightest bit startled when she got splashed with sea
"Wiseacre..." Animal raised an eyebrow.
"I know..." she smiled sweetly at him.
Chapter One - Mayday
"Homeplate, Fast Eagle 101, Angels 20..." Commander Toshio "Animal" Nakamura spoke into the mic embedded in his oxygen mask, "Two minutes past waypoint three heading two five zero,"
"Say your state, One Zero One..."
"State zero plus four five to splash." was Animal's response to the Combat Information Center on the USS Theodore Roosevelt, (CVN-71).
"Roger that, One Zero you need a Texaco."
"We're One Five to Marshal...we should be fine before we get behind the boat."
"Copy that, One Zero One... We'll have a Viking up if you need one."
Animal grinned behind his oxygen mask, "How you doing, Butch?"
"Five by five, Animal...sure was a boring patrol."
"Like things exciting? At least the sky was clear of MiGs. Don't want to rattle the dragon too much unless we want to be eating Atolls for breakfast."
"You have a point there, Animal." Butch's voice was merry as her green eyes twinkled; her oxygen mask was tight to her face and her head was doing circuits around the instrument display looking for any anomalies in the readings. That was the job of the Radar Intercept Officer; the backseater in the F-14 Tomcat.
"Should be back on the boat in twenty." Animal's F-14 was the CO's bird. It was kept in good condition...but of course the rigors of being shot off the front end of the boat and constant banging of the aircraft main-mounts when trapping was not the best way to keep in continuing good health the multitude of components that made up their frontline fighter aircraft.
It was about three minutes later that everything went to hell in a handbasket.
"Oil pressure is down, Animal." Animal heard worry in Butch's tone as she scanned her panels.
"Yeah, stick's getting heavy...too, I think we got a hydraulic leak...somewhere."
"Combined and flight pressure dropping to zero..."
Animal's tone went no-nonsense, "Emergency checklist... Emergency Flight Hydraulicss switch.."
"Low..." Butch's head went down to the panels.
"Says we should divert, we're divert possible." Animal informed her.
"Horizontal stabilizers, reducing rate, No SAS/ARI."
Going down the checklist...and praying that the plane didn't depart controlled flight, Animal fought the controls.
"Landing Gear Handle" he reached for the handle to put it down. "Emergency Down...flaps twenty...Oh...s---- Combat, Mayday Mayday Mayday, Fast Eagle One Zero One, Hydraulics are gone, Oil Pressure Zero, stick is tight, Cannot control Attitude..."
"Fast Eagle One Zero One, What's your position?"
"Can't tell at this point, the front boards went out, I'm deadsticking it with no controls, The Electricals gone too. I'm going to point this thing towards the nearest island I can find and punch us out."
"Roger that, One Zero One, Godspeed."
Animal stomped on the rudder and cranked the stick over...hoping that the F-14 wouldn't depart controlled flight. He could see a pair of islands just over by his starboard, maybe he could get them close enough that they could swim for it..."Stow your gear, I'm gonna try to get us as close as we can before we punch it. "
"Oh, man, I was hoping we wouldn't have to do this today..."
"Yeah...neither did I..." As he felt the stick go completely tight..., Animal said, "Mask on, Leg loops tight, Visor down...Eject Eject Eject..."
Pulling on the ejection handle loops just above and to the rear of his helmet on the ejection seat. He pulled the loops and the unfurling curtain to protect him from flying debris. Butch's GRU7 ejection seat fired first, then two seconds later he felt a sharp kick at the base of his spine as his ejection seat fired rocketing him out of the F-14 Tomcat.
A few seconds later, he separated from his seat and he hung to his straps as the chute opened above him. Which meant that he had a clear view of the final moments of his bird and he felt a pang of despair as he saw his F-14 fall stricken towards the water...and impact...sending a cloud of spray...probably going straight to the bottom. Looking around he felt a huge sigh of relief as he saw the companion chute of his RIO floating down; it was wide open and slowing her descent.
"A rough way to end a day at the office." Animal muttered to himself. Hitting the water was a bit painful, but survivable at the rate of descent of his parachute. Pulling out his knife he sawed at the ropes freeing himself, just before they could pull him under. Then he sighted the shore of the island he had aimed for eight hundred meters away. He could make it. Hopefully Butch would do the same.
It took nearly twenty minutes to swim to shore and it was the longest twenty minutes of his life. He had excelled in swimming at ROTC, but that was being well-rested. This was after a Fleet Air Defense air patrol and being aloft for over four hours.
It was a relief to see Butch pull her self out of the water. Sopping wet from head to toe, still in her flight was Animal. "That was one hell of a swim..." she muttered, "Remind me when we get back to thank my swim instructor."
"Yeah, wasn't expecting to have to do that... I thought we were in closer...but apparently the wind was in the opposite direction."
"Well, our gear is completely soaked and our flight helmets and oxygen masks are probably at the bottom of the ocean somewhere, so we'd better get out of these things unless we want to catch a cold or something..."
"Yeah, that might be a good idea; Nice, wasn't expecting this white sandy beach on an island so far north."
"Well, we might as well enjoy the weather while it lasts...why don't we take a swim...after we get out of these clothes and let our flight suits dry?" Leah suggested.
It was about fifteen minutes later, stripped down to skivvies...and in the water that Animal grinned at Butch. "Good thinking, Lieutenant..."
" know, sir... young minds work pretty quick."
She wasn't even the slightest bit startled when she got splashed with sea
"Wiseacre..." Animal raised an eyebrow.
"I know..." she smiled sweetly at him.