@Mikezumi - To each their own. We can't debate each other's opinion or experiences. Yes, I tagged you concerning how World Adventures 'does' uses the wish system to guide the players with hints. Nothing more. I wasn't aware I was opening up a debate. I respected your view and said "This isn't to take anything away from what you stated as your perspective of the game, just happened to think of a time when 'hinting through the wish system' is used."
(Next Tag) Like you, I only spoke from 'My Perspective' as its the only one I have. I agreed with you concerning player interjections, I still agree with you concerning this! The only thing I added was "I" also keep in mind there are other factors (algorithms) in play when it comes to Sim decision and the wishes or icons they trigger. Nothing more.
(Next Tag) I agreed with you that Sims learn as we play them. Then I stated MY experience and My opinion of My experience. Nothing More.
(Next Tag) I still acknowledge and respect your opinion and said "We view and understand the same thing differently, that's all. Both are equally valid positions of perspective." What followed was not arguments against your opinion, they were 'Facts' of things which came to past. Richard Evans was the AI lead on this game. FordGT90Concepts (a programmer, BTW), did acknowledge the presence and use of Sims AI. CWaddle, Phoebesmom601, and myself did experience these events in our games.
(This Tag) I still agree with the points you made. I still respect your opinion. I sincerely apologize if the wording of my first tag to you implied something other than what I have already stated. My opinion or experiences on the subject of Sims wishes hasn't changed, in my game, Sims use every device they can to get their message across. Again, I am speaking solely of my experience.
@Bettyboop55 - Well, said! I agree, Sims are 'nothing more than sophisticated little pieces of programming', and so are we as human beings. ;)