5 years ago
Slide and Slide!
So... Nothing interesting has really happened, I've just lately been shifting through my cc, you know the normal.. But.. I recently gotten kinda into sliders :) the new little add-ons and options a...
"ZeeGee;c-17799033" wrote:"LiliasSeras;c-17798597" wrote:
Feet sliders? I've read somewhere about a hip slider causing the issue :D
I just ended up removing all the body sliders (does neck sliders count as body sliders? I left them) I wasn't to interested in them any way, I was more interested, obviously, in the facial sliders :)
But oohh, that's a pretty Sim! Does she have a name?
@LiliasSeras Yes, feet and hands! I'll put them back in my game and do a quick video to show you what I mean. And thank you so much. Her name is Ellie. :heart: