Rotational Play as @Turjan linked to is essential for the way I play TS3, as it is for many others. SP gives us all the options we need to tailor progression to what we want to be allowed or disallowed and for whom. There is no way to do this otherwise. EA's story progression only offers an on/off switch and unwanted things will still tend to happen when it's in the off position thus making full rotational play almost impossible to manage. AwesomeMod does offer a third alternative, but with far fewer controls available than NRaas SP.
I would never try to play ALL of the households in a given world, most of mine are far too heavily populated for that to make sense to me. Hence the option to protect a caste (subset) of households from unwanted forms of progression while they are not actively played vs. the rest of the town doing whatever they want, within reason. Other players engage with more lightly populated worlds and have different takes on this.
Perhaps you could bring any more specific/advanced questions you have along the way about the Rotational settings to us at NRaas? Helping players find their way through the mods and how they can be leveraged is kind of what we are there for. :)