No idea, but the game sometimes glitches. Stir crazy needs one hour to vanish (it's a timer that starts ticking down when on another lot). Usually, a reset of the sim from NRAAS->Master Controller->Advanced->Reset Sim should do the trick. This has less negative side effects compared to the standard in-game cheat.
As you have several issues, you may do a town reset from time to time, ideally, when nobody is at work, school or anything like that. From the map overview, I go to the town hall, click on NRAAS->Master Controller->Town Options->Reset Everything, which will take a few minutes to work on every single thing in your town. Sims will show up at the spawn spot on their home lot. They usually end up with their need bars half-way, which should fix itself when you make them active (or else just with time), only the fun bar stays at half the way.