@Turjan @Rhiannon58 @Karritz
It was interesting to learn about your experiences with the vanilla version of the game, it seems that they're rather different from my own. Why that is I don't know, but the fact that I always keep aging and Story progression turned off might be one of the reasons.
Also thanks to all three of you for being able to discuss this topic in a calm and sensible manner, like the grown ups you are (I think?). After all, mods and CC are only small add ons to a computer game, not the be-all and end-all of somebodys life, or a sacred and holy religion that is absolutely taboo to question or even talk about.
Last but not least, I hope that both you and I will be able to play TS3, with or without mods/CC, for a long time to come, and that bugs and glitches stay away as much as possible. :)