Forum Discussion

brandontaylor615's avatar
Rising Traveler
2 years ago

Storybrook County: The Life of Ava Sinclair

Storybrook County: Ava Sinclair
This is the new Ava Sinclair that I have created. Her hairstyle may change occasionally, and her clothing might as well, but this is her general look. Her traits are: Great Kisser, Genius, Hopeless Romantic, Ambitious, and Friendly. As for her lifetime wish, it is to be Leader of the Free World, the same as her original version. In this version, she will not be getting with Hank Goddard and instead will either meet a man who is created in the town, or if I send her to other worlds. I do plan on sending her on different vacations and things with the Traveler mod, so any Sims 3 town is a possibility to visit. Now on to the actual gameplay/storyline.
Ava has just moved to the city part of Storybrook County. As a single Sim, she started out with the usual $16,500 that Sims usually do. I moved her into an apartment building for her starter home, leaving her $1,365, then she took the elevator to said apartment.
Ava: Stupid door, open!
But instead, she got stuck in the door and ended up tumbling to the floor.
Once Ava was settled in to her new apartment, she decided to read a book and just relax. But soon, her doorbell rang. It was the town greeting committee, asking to be buzzed in. Of course, Ava let them in. I wasn't expecting a committee to show up when I put my own Sims in the save.
One of those Sims was Jeannette Sekemoto. She is the the great granddaughter of Brandon Goth's mother, Carrie Radford, meaning she is a distant cousin to my Sims like Jacob, Oliver, and Xander Goth.
A randomly generated townie named Antwon Parrot also showed up. Antwon is not a pudding face as I got a mod that is supposed to somewhat help with zero slider Sims. I did go in and edit his clothes though, and gave him glasses. I thought it'd be nice to fix any Sims I see wearing weird clothes in this save.
Jeannette: Hello, I'm Jeannette Sekemoto. I'm a recent transfer myself, actually. Just moved here from Sunset Valley.
Ava: It's nice to meet you, Jeannette.
Jeanette: Your apartment is very nice. You got lucky.
Ava: Thanks, it really is a lovely apartment. Although, I do wish I had room for a kitchen table....
Jeanette: Well, maybe when you get going, you can afford a bigger place or maybe renovate this one. By the way, what job are you planning on?
Ava: Oh, well, I thought about going into politics.
Jeanette: Hmm, that sounds like an alright job. However, I think you only polish podiums all day at first, unless you have a college degree. But $24 an hour is decent starting pay, I guess.
One of my other Sims also showed up with the committee. Her name is Shauna Langerak, and she is Lily Goth's neice as she is Ivy Langerak's daughter. In the Goth save, Shauna's mother just died recently. I will get back to the Goth's sometime soon, but it's Ava's turn for a few updates.
Shauna: Hey, Ava. I'm Shauna Langerak, daughter of Ivy Langerak. Have you ever heard of her?
Ava: Oh yeah, isn't she that rich 5 star celebrity PlantSim? I just adore her, she seems like an awesome lady.
Shauna: She was, but unfortunately, Mom passed away recently. When her sister Lily moved to Moonlight Falls, Mom decided to move along with them. She didn't want to be away from her ancestors, which Lily was moving to Moonlight Falls as well.
Ava: I'm so sorry, I didn't know she had passed. I'm sorry for your loss.
Ava invited Jeanette and Shauna to watch TV with her. Shauna and Jeannette were already familiar with each other, due to sharing common ancestors.
Jeanette: Oh, I just love this show!
Ava: I've never seen it, but it seems to be good. Shauna, you don't have to stand there, you can sit down.
Shauna: It's fine, I can't stay too long. I'm afraid if I sit down, I won't want to get up.
For supper, Ava decided that she would make a salad for Jeannette, Shauna, and herself. Even though Shauna said she couldn't stay long, she did stay long enough to eat some salad before she had to go.
Shauna: Thanks for the salad, Ava! I hate to eat and run, but I got to do some more unpacking myself.
Ava: Alright, thanks for coming. It sure was nice to meet you, Shauna.
Once her new acquaintances had left, Ava looked at job listings. Sure enough, Podium Polisher showed up as a job for her. She privately wished she'd have gotten a university degree now, but she'd just have to work really hard to get her promotions. Once she finished applying, she quickly got an email back saying she was hired and would start tomorrow.
Ava: (thinking) Wow, wasn't expecting a reply back so soon. Looks like I only get $24 an hour, like Jeannette mentioned. That's only $144 a day, so I'm going to have to do something else to supplement my income to start with. Maybe I could pick up painting or collecting as a side gig?
Ava thought about it a bit, but she decided that was something she could worry about a bit later. Instead, she decided to play video games until it was time for bed.
As Ava got into bed, she reflected upon the new acquaintances she'd made and her future in Storybrook County.
Ava: Well, tomorrow starts the first chapter of a long and prosperous career. Hope all goes well...

***And there we have the end of Day 1 of this new save. Let me know in the comments what you think of the new Ava Sinclair. Some of you probably remember the original Ava that I started posting here way back in 2018. She didn't stick around long here, as I soon took her daughter to start the Ultimate Sim Challenge, something I never ended up finishing and have never decided to go back to. At one point, I remember that I put original Ava up for download and let my fellow Simmers here do a makeover of her. Everybody did a nice job fixing a Sim that I loved. But now, my Sim making skills have improved somewhat, and I figured it was time she get a complete overhaul. I'll try to get some pictures of her apartment at some point, definitely before she ever moves. I don't know if I'll end up editing her apartment and expanding it inside the shell, or if she'll move houses later or what, but I do have plans to have her live a long life.
  • Storybrook County: The Life of Ava Sinclair (Days 2 and 3)
    That following morning, Ava got up to take her first shower in her new apartment. However, the hot water soon ran out, and when she got out, she was shivering from the cold.
    Ava: Ugh, I really need to get a bigger heater, if possible. Although, I highly doubt it, even if I did buy my apartment.
    Ava did not feel confident in trying to cook anything for breakfast. She felt that if she tried, she might as well look for a new apartment.
    Ava: I'll just eat a salad. No use risking a fire. Maybe I'll make some good meals once I learn how to actually cook...
    Once she'd finished getting ready. Ava decided to practice her charisma in the mirror. She felt like she had actually made some progress but she knew that if she ever wanted to be Leader of the Free World, she'd need to become a very charismatic person.
    Ava got dressed in one of the few outfits that she had that seemed appropriate for work. She knew she was going to have to buy some new clothes when she got more money, but this outfit would do for now. Deciding not to take a taxi, she walked to work as the courthouse was only 2 blocks from her apartment. The city wasn't very busy yet, and since the town was a recent development, the streets felt a little bare.
    As Ava's day ended, she walked out of the courthouse holding her first ever pay check of $124. On the stairs, she happened to see 5 star celebrity, Rosetta (Stone) Skills walking in to the courthouse.
    Ava: Wow, that's Rosetta Skills! She and her husband Max Skills are like the most famous of all Sims. I mean, Rosetta has mastered every skill known to Sims, and she's held top postion in every career she's ever been in!

    Note: Rosetta Stone is a Sim from Carls Forum. I can't remember who made her, but she was wearing basegame clothing and hair originally. I did tweak her face and clothes some, so this isn't what she'd look like if someone downloaded her. Max Skills, another Sim from that forum, is also a highly skilled Sim. Technically, they should be extremely rich, so before I put them in to the town, I gave them $1,000,000. One of Rosetta's book gains her like $17,000 a week too, so they'll definitely be the richest Sims for a while. Also, Rosetta is an immortal Sim so she most likely will reach the Leader of the Free World. If Ava gets to that point, I'll go in and have Rosetta switch careers.
    Ava decided she'd like to explore town a bit, so she went to the small cafe across the street. A man named Pedro Craft was working the counter when she came in.
    Ava: I'd like to buy a slice of Key Lime pie, please.
    Pedro: Here you go, enjoy your pie.
    Ava: Thank you, I most definitely will.
    And enjoy it she did. It wasn't a perfect quality pie, but it still was very good.
    After eating her pie, Ava went to the courthouse again to take a charisma course. It took $400 of her money, more than what her paycheck was. She thought that was kind of high to learn how to be charismatic, but she knew it'd pay off. As she left the courthouse, she happened to see City Council Member Rosetta Skills sitting on a bench. Ava couldn't resist going over and getting a picture of her on her phone. Rosetta didn't say anything, she was so used to getting her picture taken that it didn't even phase her.
    This Sim here is one whose name I forgot, but I know that he lives alone with his wife and their dog. I do know he was created by @romagi1 who also built Dreamwood Estates for me a few years back on the DNA Request thread. That house probably will be Ava's future home, but I didn't put it into the save yet.
    Back at home, Ava paid her bills. Between the charisma class, bills, and the pie, she went from having $1500 or so to only having $782.
    Ava: Boy, I sure hope I get a promotion or something soon, otherwise I'll be broke in no time.
    The following day, Ava ate another salad as she knew she better get rid of it. She'd read a cooking book and felt a bit more confident about cooking, but she didn't have time to do so before work since she'd stayed up a bit too late the previous night. As she headed to her computer desk, she again wished she had a kitchen table.
    Ava: (thinking) One step at a time, Ava, one step at a time.
    Things on her list were a better shower, a kitchen table, and maybe a better bed.
    As Ava worked, I saw that a SimsFest was going on. Ava couldn't go to it since she was working, but I watched it a bit. These Sims were both created by the game. Then, the young lady cheering in the first picture turned out to be the first singer. I watched her sing a bit, but then she suddenly disappeared. Not sure why, but the lights kept on moving as if her concert was still going, lol
    After work, Ava chatted with one of her acquaintances, though I forgot which one that was. She didn't get promoted yet, but was pretty close to it. I've been reducing her job performance a bit each day of work so that she stays as a podium polisher for a bit longer. I thought I'd let her get promoted by the end of the first week, or maybe when fall starts. I feel that a promotion every few days isn't the most realistic, plus I want to play a struggling Sim for a bit before she ever builds up wealth.

    ***And there is the next couple of days. I did play the first Wednesday as well, and she had a very nice time but my game ended up crashing since I played way too long that day. I'll probably do something similar though when I replay that day.