Something was going on. Even the dogs were sensing something, particularly the big one was excited, he ran around like a stupid fool, I´ve even see him bumping into a glass door! Stupid dog! But he grew to my heart in the last weeks, he is a big fool, but he is willing to do everything for me, so I comforted him. Then I asked the old little dog, what she thought was going on, she is the wisest of the dogs, so for a dog she is clever. She told me, that the hoomans were going to leave this place, she noticed that when the hoomans were putting their things into little boxes they were always going to another place! I was worried!!!
Where were they going? Would they come back? What would happen to me? It was as if I were a little kitten again, lost in a cave together with my siblings.....
I had to act! I went out and hunted a special fish and presented it to the big hooman, he is the leader, so I had to fawn on him!
That's how I got to know my name: Streuner! Because, instead of being pleased he shouted at me and called me back with this name to shout at me again. Wow, I think he was very angry! I don´t know why he was so angry, but the next time I think I will try to fawn the female at first!
The next day the hoomans packed a vehicle with the boxes and then they called everyone into the yard. Then they closed the doors. My heart sank, it was true! They would leave! And I would be lonely again! In my panic I choked up my last meal, so the big homan scolded me again!
But then the female smiled and took me into her arms and stroked me. She then said something to me and her voice was wonderful!!
And then she put me into a box, too!
Now I realized that I would go with them!!!!! I was relieved that I could stay with her! Me and the dogs were safely packed into a box each and then we went to the harbour!
I really was so relieved that I even didn´t mind to go on a boat again!
With this boat we were going to the main land and then we went to a place where we were released into a metal cube. It had seats and tables and little boxes with pillows for us pets! When everybody had found a seat, the cube began to move and then I felt my heart beating fast! I was in a bird and I flew! What a great feeling! When I felt it was safe, I jumped onto a table and watched out of the window and saw clouds, but from above!
After some time I felt that we landed and we got into our car boxes again.
It was much warmer here than at the last place!
And again we were put on a boat and swam across a sea.
At the end I was so exhausted, that I was allowed to nestle into the arms of my famous hooman when we drove to our new home.
Here I straightaway crawled under a couch and observed my new home.
when it was dark I left my save place and hunted something to play, after all I was stressed and had to clear my stress
then I crawled under the couch again and slept untill the next day.