You can get Sunlit Tides for 1127 SimPoints if you wait for the
Daily Deal Rotation. And if you really want to buy the Gold Edition stuff you can buy Serenity Retreat separately for 513 SimPoints if you again wait for the Daily Deal rotation and with this it is way cheaper than buying the Gold Edition in one go.
In the current rotation list, Sunlit Tides is at number 972 and Serenity Retreat is at number 690 (at its cheapest). We are currently at number 596 so the Serenity Retreat is coming up shortly.
As for the world itself, I like it, it doesn't have performance problems, looks nice has cool looking lots but it doesn't have that many empty spaces to place other types of lots and I place a lot of them so I rarely use this world as a main world and mainly rely on NRaas Traveler to make it into a vacation world instead. Feels way nicer that way.