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jillbg's avatar
11 years ago

The Grey Witches - A Magical Legacy

More than 26,000 readers! Thank you all! :D

This is the story of three women - The Grey Witches! They move around a lot (Thank's to Twallan's Traveller at Nraas! :lol: ) but they finally settle down in my creation Twin Towns. First, there’s Granny Grey, an elder solitary witch who lives with her granddaughter Taïga. Granny had some trouble adjusting to living with a child, but now Taïga has totally won her over.
Taïga’s beautiful mother has just got married to an Italian count and warlock and they have a son – Rowan. They currently live in Monte Vista, while Granny and Taïga has moved in with Granny’s evil sister in Midnight Hollow after the cove in Moonlight Falls burnt up.
There’s a lot going on in their lives – from the ordinary school days to the mystery of alien invaders and demons called upon by witches-to-be…

Part Two :
Taïga is now a teenager, still living with Granny and Old Missy in the Bayou. Her half-brother, Rowan, is also staying at Bayou Oaks Mansion since the birth of his brother Frost, 4 years ago. Leonardo keeps up the illusion of Shasta still being alive, nourishing the image of a mentally fragile and self-occupied mother, but Taïga can't shake off the feeling that something is wrong. But being a teenager takes up 100% of her time, leaving little space for worries. She's singing in a band (IDC), riding and taking care of the old horse Duke when she's not studying or fighting with Rowan.

As Taïga's 15th birthday approaches, Granny gets more and more worried about her daughter, Shasta. Will she miss out on yet another birthday? Even though this year is crucial, as they are supposed to initiate Taïga to her powers as a witch? Maybe it will hurt Shasta to much to see her daughter take possession of her magical heritage, herself not being a witch anymore?

And what about Taïga's engagement? Granny has avoided the problem, not wanting to tell her granddaughter that she is already promised to someone. But now the time has come...

You can find out more about the characters, and read all the chapters on my blog:
Please follow!

The Grey Witches : Old Missy, Taïga, Rowan, Granny, Teddy and Derek. Valkyria, Taïga's dog and Minuit, the black possessed cat...

Derek & Taïga

Happy simming! :D