I made 11 sims for this challenge, 9 of which will be active because two of them will become ghosts. These 11 sims belong to four different families: the Waldners, the Hofers, the Tschetters, and the Kleinsassers (all of which are genuine Hutterite surnames).
Starting off with the Waldner family:
Jakob Waldner is the head of the Waldner family. He is the older brother of Joseph and Judith Waldner and the husband of Rachel Waldner. His traits are Bookworm, Family-Oriented, Friendly, Gatherer, and Green Thumb. Like all of the Hutterites except for his sister Judith, his lifetime wish is to be Surrounded by Family. He is also going to be the minister of the colony...eventually, of course!
Fun fact about Jakob: He and Rachel are my two favorite sims to play. Pretty much every save I've made since about two years ago features them in it in some capacity, so don't be surprised if you see the two of them in the future! ;)
Next up is Rachel Waldner, Jakob's wife and the identical twin sister of Rebekah Hofer. Her traits are Artistic, Family-Oriented, Friendly, Natural Cook, and Nurturing and her lifetime wish is to be Surrounded by Family. I also have plans for her to be the "first lady" of the colony, but like Jakob's eventual career, those plans are for the distant future.
Joseph Waldner is the middle child of the first generation of Waldners, with Jakob being older than him and Judith being younger. His traits are Angler, Family-Oriented, Friendly, Green Thumb, and Loves the Outdoors. He is also one of the two ghosts, as his life was cut short after a big fish pulled him into the ocean and drowned him.
Fun fact about Joseph: Both he and Isaac Hofer, Rebekah Hofer's husband, have blue as their favorite color, which is why Joseph is wearing a light blue while Isaac is wearing a darker, muted blue.
Judith Waldner is the younger sister of Jakob and Joseph Waldner and is the only Hutterite sim who is not interested in having a family of her own - which is why her lifetime wish is to become a Renaissance Sim. Her traits are Family-Oriented, Friendly, Natural Cook, Nurturing, and Virtuoso. She's going to eventually be the kindergarten teacher (aka toddler supervisor) of the colony, but for now her duties are mostly filling in for the wives when they're pregnant and occasionally looking after the babies.
Isaac Hofer is the husband of Rebekah Hofer and the older brother of Deborah Hofer. His traits are Bookworm, Family-Oriented, Friendly, Green Thumb, and Nurturing. I have plans for him to be the assistant minister of the colony, as well as one of the teachers for the colony children when the time comes.
Rebekah Hofer is the wife of Isaac Hofer and the identical twin sister of Rachel Waldner. Her traits are Bookworm, Family-Oriented, Natural Cook, Nurturing, and Shy. She's kind of the polar opposite of Rachel, but the two get along well and even have autumn salad as their shared favorite food!
Deborah Hofer is the younger sister of Isaac Hofer and the second of the two ghosts. Her traits are Bookworm, Family-Oriented, Friendly, Natural Cook, and Technophobe...the latter of which proved to be the end of her when she tried repairing an electronic device.
Fun fact about Deborah: This is mostly backstory, but if it hadn't been for their untimely demises, I imagine that Joseph and Deborah would've eventually gotten married, since they were the only two Hutterite, single sims interested in romance at their point in time.
John Tschetter is the husband of Elizabeth Tschetter and his traits are Family-Oriented, Friendly, Gatherer, Green Thumb, and Loves the Outdoors. I have plans for him to become the farming/gardening manager of the colony eventually, but for now he, Jakob, Isaac, and Paul Kleinsasser all take turns gardening as needed.
Fun fact about John: He and his wife Elizabeth are, so far, the only ones of their family, just like Paul and Diana Kleinsasser are the only ones of theirs!
Elizabeth Tschetter is the wife of John Tschetter. Her traits are Artistic, Family-Oriented, Friendly, Loves the Outdoors, and Natural Cook.
Paul Kleinsasser is the husband of Diana Kleinsasser and his traits are: Born Salesman, Family-Oriented, Friendly, Green Thumb, and Savvy Sculptor. He's eventually going to be the colony manager, aka the one who's in charge of the colony's businesses. For now, though, he's pretty content with just gardening and sculpting as need be.
And, last but not least, Diana Kleinsasser. She is the wife of Paul Kleinsasser and her traits are: Bookworm, Family-Oriented, Natural Cook, Neat, and Shy.
Fun fact about Diana: I actually kind of modeled her after the Roman goddess Diana, who was the goddess of the moon, nature, etc.
As for their careers, Jakob, Isaac, John, and Paul are all currently self-employed gardeners, although I know for sure that Paul will eventually become a self-employed sculptor. Rachel and Elizabeth are both self-employed painters, while Rebekah and Diana are self-employed writers. As for Judith, she's unemployed. :p
In my next post I'll share how the challenge is going so far with this group. All I'm going to say right now is that I've had a lot of fun with them so far!
Until then!