For supper, I sent the family to eat outside at the Bistro. They all decided to sit at different tables. I've noticed I need to change a setting as the building in the background looks funny.
The original SV townies have all about died off, except the ones that Emily threw young again potions at. This is Darlene Bunch Alvi, all grown up and with children and grandchildren of her own. Apparently she was impressed by Fawn, who isn't a celebrity, by the way.
Fawn and Melanie have been bonding over the babies. Fawn is looking forward to being a grandmother and had to feel her daughters growing stomach. Eric decided to practice his magic, he never was as interested as his mother though.
He also decided to upgrade L4u Rn as he wants her to be at her peak physical condition. He'll also be customizing her soon with a nice coat of paint, although he's not sure what colors he wants to use yet.
L4u Rn gave Eric the time portal he had her store in her inventory so that he could activate it. A man named Emit Relevart arrived to inform him about the future and gave him something called the Time Almanac. After looking around the yard for power cells, Eric gave them back so Emit could go home.
Eric decided at the last moment to jump in the portal with Emit. He felt decades fly by at a dizzying speed before being thrown out on top of a futuristic building with L4u Rn, who tried to "save" him from the portal.
Emit: You shouldn't have followed me, Eric. Knowledge of the future can be dangerous.
Eric: It will be okay, I promise.
Emit: (sighs) Alright, but since you are here, you better learn to use a jetpack.
Eric seems to enjoy flying around on the pack but Emit paid him no mind.
Emit gave him some tasks to do in Oasis Landings, one of which was to work on L4u Rn.
Emit also sent Eric around to get a synthesized drink. It tasted awful but turned out they gave him motor oil instead. After cleaning his mouth out, he decided to talk to a local celebrity. The man didn't want to talk to him but when he learned about Eric's wealth, he changed his mind. Eric became a celebrity in the future.
Eric's synthesized drink turned out to be oil so he spit it out. I didn't get a pic of that, though.
Emit offered some money if Eric visited a time statue. He decided to check out Emit's to learn more about him.
Investigating the alien ship.
Eric: Cool! I didn't know you could find Nanites in the wild!
Apparently, Emit doesn't get boundaries. Eric was there first but since they are best friends, I guess Emit thought it was fine to sleep in the same bed.

"Yum, synthesized food is so great, I can't even tell it is synthesized."
After buying some supplies, Eric used the bot building station in the future to research new trait chips. L4u Rn needed a charge so she used one there.
Before I sent him home, I had him visit his descendants. Only one little girl named Lucie Langerak was there. No one answered so Eric peeked inside, causing Lucie to believe he was odd when she first met him.
Sometimes, even L4u Rn changes her trait chips. Eric only gives her ones he wants her to use, and she can't make them herself yet.
Melanie woke up in the middle of the night with labor pains. I started to send her to the hospital but instead had her give birth at home.
All together, she had three babies. There were two girls, Ariana and Abigail, and a boy named Evan. I used a list of 100 names to pick these. I will wait until they are toddlers and get pictures with traits listed.