Okay, question regarding the Matriarchy/Patriarchy.
Assuming I was making a Matriarchy, and I moved in my 'mate'. We conceived a child, and (being the fact that my founder eats quick meals most of the time so I had no control over it :P) she had a boy. You say in your rules that the mate cannot earn points for the family unless the next generation is born. This son is technically in the next generation, he just can't be the heir, so can the mate earn points or not now?
Also, I didn't know this but my man already had a teenage daughter (and not even by some freaky weird spawning thing, he's actually got in his bio that he's a 'single dad') I know that she can't be the heir/can't earn any points, but would it be all right for me to move her in with her daddy?
Oh and as a side note for all the people dissing Riverview in the other thread cuz it has no eating/showering in the gym, you can shower in the swim club and you can drink at the watering hole juice bar which helps your hunger.