Chyla wrote:
Thank you Pinstar for the updated challenge.
My only issue is I'm finding this time around the challenge is far too easy. I had my YA male founder go to the library and gym for skill building and he met his wife at work in the medical career. Both kept receiving challenges that involved cash rewards and because I made the family trait workaholic I could get Dursen (founder) to check up on work and work from home to improve his performance. He also has the bookworm trait which makes reading the medical reports a snap.
Dursen is now an elder and his son, Atlas, has just become a YA and I'm planning on having him marry his childhood sweetheart.
Both of Atlas's parents keep getting emergency calls from work and Dursen obtained some insane $90+ bonus and is now raking in $962 and hour. I already have too much cash in the house and I've barely started generation two. I also had them plant an apple tree to help ensure heir's wives have male offspring.
They're all still living on the lawn though. I'm waiting until I have around $200,000 to build the house.
If its too easy then make someone who's not so easy: Neurotic, Insane, Slob, Unlucky, Couch Potato
That would make it harder...