Avastra wrote:
I have one objection to the rules. Why can't adopted children be part of the bloodline? What if I want to make one of my heirs homosexual? That heir should be able to adopt a baby and make that child their heir. The Legacy Challenge rules assume that all the heirs in the family are heterosexual which is discrimination...
Its amazing how fast you are to pull out the discrimination card. When its not discrimination at all. The point of this "fun" challenge is to have a direct bloodline back to your founder, so unless you can manage to do that in a same s.e.x. relationship. which you could if you had a baby with a chick, kicked her out, and moved in your partner, or if you had a girl-girl partnership, she could just find a "donor" for them to keep the bloodline going, your not being creative...
So quit crying wolf over nothing. geez
*edited cause apparently s.e.x is a bad word...