uo_amckay wrote:
I think the "rich sim" rule needs some revision, personally. My experience with "rich" sims has been that they really aren't. Some might be - the Goths and Crumplebottoms come to mind, but a vast majority of them are large households that have most of their wealth tied up in their property - the Roomies come to mind, as do the Shallows of Riverview. When you move them in, the remaining household keeps most of the "wealth". Since the assets aren't liquidated, they generally bring betweem @ $2,000 - $10,000, which is hardly the same as the "rich" sims of TS2 who would bring @ $75k.
Just my two cents. Thanks very much for putting the rules together, Pinstar! I know it takes a lot of work, and we appreciate it :-)
I agree. My founder married a person coming out of the Crumblebottom household (I never visited the house so I never picked up the rich thing so it is okay) but she only brought a little over 2k into the marriage. There are single non rich sims that can bring in more than that. If you are smart and look at edit town and target a single sim in a non rich house you can add 10k or more to your account which is easily enough to build a small home which defeats the purpose.
To make it simple I think the rich sim rule should only apply to the founder and after the founder anyone who marries a rich sim should deduct a point from their legacy regardless of how much they add to the account. That way the entire town is open to us and we can marry who we want if we are willing to pay for it.