This is fun. Though I added a few things to my challenge. My intention was to build a legacy where the founder was a master thief and klepto. Initially, I was a little bummed that all the benefits of being in the criminal track or klepto evaporated with the "black market" restrictions as that career has more drawbacks than others (the main one being arrested, missing work, and losing out on promotions on a semi-regular basis).
However, I decided to add a "klepto" challenge to the legacy, meaning that you get one point for every stolen item on the lot (not ones recieved from the criminal career) that is in regular use. Regular use means that it isn't just a bunch of stuff you've collected and is simply being stored - it must be the stove, tub, light, etc. you use in your house; you must return everything you don't use. I also added klepto as the family trait.
It's been great b/c you really have to case a house to find the best place to get the things you need. I've found that the richest houses aren't always the best b/c they have endless decorations that are usually stolen before the good stuff. In the beginning when you really want the fridge (because you're basically living at the gym) and you steal the paper towel holder, it's kinda disappointing. It's also best to return to the scene of a crime and focus on one room (I swiped an entire bathroom from Landgrabb he he he). Anywho, I'm having a blast and the founder, Cecilia Meriweather, just gave birth to the second generation, Georgianne and Locke.
Thanks Pinstar!