icrawbeans wrote:
I have a quick question for anyone who can answer (and I apologize if it has already been asked but have you seen all the pages on this thread!)
Can your legacy heir marry a sim that you created if you picked their traits by random--or, one that you downloaded and never had a hand in creating? If you have never played them, just created and placed in the game, isn't that the same as a computer-generated sim? That solves the problem of being rich because the sims you create NEVER have any $$
What I did to help the rich sim problem is to create a bunch of families and let the game set on story mode (playing one family and then deleting them) so that they built up a generation or two. You can't marry any other sim you create but you can marry their offspring so long as they came about through story progression and you had nothing to do with it. At least that's my understanding.