SimQueenie9 wrote:
Obliterate entirely? What is to stop someone from becoming rich in the first generation, then?
i believe my founder has become rich for all intents and purposes by the time he reached an elder.(55k+ furnished home and over 89k in the available cash) I achieved this by having him write like a fiend. he is finishing up his second or third masterpiece which should make another 10k+ and then add another 10k to his weekly royalties until he finally dies(currently at 39k/week in royalties). his eldest son is just starting to work, and his wife didnt make all that much painting(maybe 10k over her time in the house), so they didnt contribute much to the household so far.
Im considering starting over my legacy and having the first couple generations only allowed to have career orriented ltw, instead of writing,painting and such to try to make money a lil harder to get until at least the 3rd gen.
i think id like to suggest a modification of the rules on traits. i think everytime you use midlife crisis lthr, you should be able to pick a new trait then roll random for the rest. 20k to have your traits randomly repicked is kinda sad.